The place where we are Alive / Der Ort an dem wir Leben / O lugar onde estamos Vivos / El lugar donde estamos Vivos

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I want to raise Awareness of our wonderful planet Earth which we have the privilege to be part of. That is why we have to take responsibility for it - for the place where we are alive. Environmental Awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Environmentalism is an ideology ...

Cult of Materialism / Materialismus-Kult / Culto do Materialismo / Culto al Materialismo

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The philosophy of Materialism is that matter is the fundamental substance in nature. All things, including mental things and Consciousness, are results of material interactions. Materialism is closely related to physicalism, the view that all that exists is ultimately physical. Philosophies contradictory to Materialism or physicalism include idealism, pluralism, dualism, and other forms of monism. Economic Materialism is the importance a person attaches ...

Abandon all Hope / Alle Hoffnung Aufgeben / Percam a Esperança / Abandona toda Esperanza

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As the Earth’s ecological systems upon which we depend accelerate in their slouch towards catastrophe, our Society faces an existential crisis. The effects of climate change are far direr than we initially expected. The two degrees of warming that is the final major threshold before permanent, large-scale climatic shifts leading to ecological collapse, is no longer some far-off possibility, ...

1988-12-22 Xapuri, Brazil / When the angels Cry / Wenn die Engel Weinen / Quando os anjos Choram / Cuando los ángeles Lloran

Francisco Alves Mendes Filho, better known as Chico Mendes, was a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader and environmentalist. He fought to preserve the Amazon rainforest, and advocated for the Human rights of Brazilian peasants and indigenous peoples. Chico Mendes had the vision of the need for an alliance between people and forest conservation built on maintaining the necessary ecological balance and not ...

Before the Flood / Vor der Sintflut / Antes do Dilúvio / Antes de la Inundación

Environmentalism is a broad philosophy, an ideology, and a social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and for the improvement of the health of the environment. Environmentalism continues to evolve to face up to new issues such as global warming, overpopulation and genetic engeneering. An Environmentalist is a person who may speak out about our natural environment and the sustainable management ...

2000-04-03 San Francisco, USA / True Hallucinations / Wahre Halluzinationen / Alucinações Verdadeiras / Verdaderas Alucinaciones

Terence McKenna was an American  ethnobotanist, mystic, author, psychonaut, lecturer, and an advocate for the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including psychedelic drugs, plant-based enthogens, shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, philosophy, culture, technology, environmentalism, and the theoretical origins of Human Consciousness. In 1956, at the age of ...

Social Revolution / Soziale Revolution / Revolução Social / Revolución Social

It is safe to say that memories are the last private and intimate pieces of ourselves that have not been uploaded to social media for others to see. Every day, everything we see, hear, touch and feel is stored in real time in our brains. Our memories define who we are. In the future this final barrier ...

Sorry / Es tut uns Leid / Desculpa / Lo Siento

Prince Ea is an American spoken word artist, poet, rapper and filmmaker who graduated from the University of Missouri–St. Louis with a degree in anthropology.  He started and popularized the 'Make S.M.A.R.T Cool' movement to promote values like intelligence, free thought, unity, and creativity in hip hop music and culture and create motivational and inspirational spoken word ...