Loneliness / Einsamkeit / Solidão / Soledad

Loneliness has been linked with depression, and is thus a risk factor for suicide. Loneliness, specifically the inability or unwillingness to live for others, i.e. for friendships or altruistic ideas, as the main reason for what he called egoistic suicide. In adults, Loneliness is a major precipitant of depression and alcoholism. People who are socially isolated may ...

Loneliness is a growing Crisis / Einsamkeit ist eine wachsende Krise / Solidão é uma crise Crescente / Soledad es una crisis Creciente

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Often the main problem is not medical, it is loneliness. People need someone to listen to them, and to find purpose in life. Isolation is having a deep impact on physical health and there is a significant link between loneliness and life-span. The most common pathology is not heart disease or diabetes; it is loneliness. Loneliness is a ...

The Loneliness Epidemic / Epidemie der Einsamkeit / A epidemia da Solidão / La epidemia de Soledad

You live in an era in which communication seems simpler than times of the past. In essence, a co-worker is one email away, a friend is one text away, and a loved one is one video chat away. Although communication is easier and faster, connection still is complicated. Despite the practical societal advancements, our technologically advanced time is being ...

Cure to Loneliness / Heilung zur Einsamkeit / Cura à Solidão / Cura a la Soledad

On a deeper level, I think every Human being has a need to be useful, a need to do more with life than just being secure, having enough money, feeding your family. We need more than that. We need to contribute to something that is beautiful to us, that we care about for real. Certainly on one ...

On Loneliness / Über Einsamkeit / Sobre Solidão / Sobre Soledad

I've never been lonely. - I've been in a room - I've felt suicidal. - I've been depressed. - I've felt awful - awful beyond all - but I never felt that one other person could enter that room and cure what was bothering me - or that any number of people could enter that room. - In other words, loneliness is something I've never been bothered ...

Loneliness / Einsamkeit / Solidão / Soledad

Research has shown that Loneliness is prevalent throughout Society, including people in marriages, relationships, families, veterans, and those with successful careers. It has been a long explored theme in the literature of Human beings since classical antiquity. Loneliness has also been described as social pain - a psychological mechanism meant to motivate an individual to seek social ...

The three Poisons / Die drei Gifte / Os três Venenos / Los tres Venenos

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Greed, hatred, and delusion are known as the three poisons, the three unwholesome roots, and the three fires. Greed refers to your selfishness, misplaced desire, attachment, and grasping for happiness and satisfaction outside of yourself. Hatred refers to your anger, aversion and repulsion toward unpleasant people, circumstances, and even toward your own uncomfortable feelings. Delusion refers to your ...

The poison of Hatred / Das Gift des Hasses / O veneno do Ódio / El veneno del Odio

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Symptoms of hatred show up as anger, hostility, dislike, aversion, or ill-will; wishing harm or suffering upon another person. With aversion, you habitually resist, deny, and avoid unpleasant feelings, circumstances, and people you do not like. You want everything to be pleasant, comfortable, and satisfying all the time. This behavior simply reinforces your perception of duality and ...

Social Media Silence / Social Media Stille / Mídia Social Silêncio / Redes Sociales Silencio

Even when people are physically in the same room as one another, they are updating their status, following someone on twitter, texting, sexting, checking their email, googling something. Someone just said, looking up a video on YouTube, posting a picture they just took – all in between sentences. We are texting when we should be having ...

This is our World / Das ist unsere Welt / Este é nosso Mundo / Este es nuestro Mundo

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Mobile phone, computer, tablet, and other high-tech devices, have turned out as a best friend for many of us regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, career, and economic status. On the other hand, these devices are playing a vital role in causing behavioral addiction to an individual. Scientifically, such addiction is characterized as mobile phone mania, a state ...

Reason you feel Alone / Der Grund warum Du Dich allein Fühlst / Razão pela qual você se sente Sozinho / Razón por la que te sientes Solo

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You feel alone because you are alone in your head and in your heart. Your heart is the seat of your emotional being. The place from which not only blood flows but also all your feelings of Love, compassion, tenderness, joy, sorrow, happiness, and pain. See if you can feel it, right now. Take a moment to drop down ...

Spirit of the Earth / Geist der Erde / Espírito da Terra / Espíritu de la Tierra

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The World has devolved into a culture of dissociation, where we as a people have become estranged from our natural World, from community, from our bodies, from our creativity, from the mystery. You are hurrying through your life, receiving information and entertainment mediated by electronics, driving past each other to get home, eating mass-produced food grown ...

Change the way we Think / Die Art wie wir denken Ändern / Mude a maneira que Pensamos / Cambia la forma en que Pensamos

Become a kinder person Practicing mindfulness increases Empathy and lead people to act more altruistically. Meditation learned through live courses with a mindfulness teacher has a strong effect on altruistic behavior. People who undergo a two-week, 10 minute-a-day meditation course using the smartphone app Headspace are also more likely to behave altruistically although the effect is not quite as pronounced. Learn ...

What’s on your mind / Was hast Du auf dem Herzen / Que está em sua Mente / Qué tienes en Mente

No one joins Facebook to be sad and lonely. Social media have made us more connected, more networked than ever, yet for all this connectivity, we have never been lonelier (or more narcissistic). This Loneliness is making us mentally and physically ill. Loneliness is not a matter of external conditions; it is a psychological state. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxVZYiJKl1Y We live in an ...

Living for Likes / Für Likes Leben / Vivendo por Likes / Vivir para Likes

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Are you living for Likes or liking to live? Is your online life more vibrant than your real one? - Social media is addictive. Anyone under 25 is a narcissist, convinced that every meal must be photographed and shared. People bully one another online and send naked photos with alarming regularity. But the real threat is 'The Happiness ...

You’re human, aren’t You? / Du bist menschlich, Oder? / Você é humano, Certo? / Eres humano, Verdad?

You are human. When you are hurting, tell yourself this. You are only human. You are not made up of iron that refuses to break. You are not made up of concrete that withstands strong storms. You are not made up of bricks that refuse to fall even during the darkest of hurricanes. You are allowed to feel. You ...

All things are Connected / Alle Dinge sind Verbunden / Todas as coisas estão Conectadas / Todas las cosas están Conectadas

The great chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. The Great Chief also sends us words of friendship and good will. This is kind of him, since we know he has little need of our friendship in return. But we will consider your offer, for we know if we do ...

Happiness comes from Within / Glück kommt von Innen / A felicidade vem de Dentro / La felicidad viene de Dentro

Happiness comes from within, declare a million advice blogs and books, Twitter messages and Facebook memes. The idea that happiness comes from within has taken a deep position in our collective psyche. Wellbeing is not anymore engaging with others but engaging with an inner journey, a self-focused personal quest. Most of the happiness trends, from self-help books to meditation, ...

We are all Connected / Wir sind alle Verbunden / Estamos todos Conectados / Todos estamos Conectados

Different cultures have different beliefs about how important social connection and interdependence are to our lives. You like to think of yourself as relatively immune to sway of those around you while you pursue your personal destiny.  This is a story you like to tell yourself rather than what really happens.  You are born wired for connection, you ...

I have lived and Loved / Ich habe gelebt und Geliebt / Eu vivi e Amei / He vivido y Amado

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Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for Love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me here and there, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have lived a thousand lives and ...

The mirror of Relationship / Der Spiegel der Beziehung / O espelho do Relacionamento / El espejo de la Relación

All mystics have taught you that Love is not to be sought; Love is what you are. Love is what is here in each and every moment. But today you seek Love in intimate relationships; in fact, you have made the words Love and relationship almost interchangeable. The expectations you have today towards your partner are an ...

Lonely Nights / Einsame Nächte / Noites Solitárias / Noches Solitarias

Hectic and frustrating days that turn into stressful and lonely nights have become normal. Sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling. Waking up at 4 in the morning with the mind racing, thinking about this and that, not being able to shut it off. You fill your day with a job that you love and pays you well. ...

People Are not good to each Other / Menschen sind nicht gut Zueinander / As pessoas não são boas um para Outro / Las personas no son buenas entre Sí

On the social media stage, looking right seems the only thing that matters. Rather than using our emotions and intellect to do whats best, we focus on proving others wrong - those who think differently become our enemies. People are not using their voices to make things better. They express their opinions simply to hurt others; to silence ...