More important than Happiness / Wichtiger als Glück / Mais importante que a Felicidade / Mas importante que la Felicidad

The stereotype of world travelers is the upper-middle-class kid who goes to some random, third-world country, sees a bunch of poor, half-naked kids joyfully playing in sewage puddles with toys made out of string and broken sticks. And suddenly has the life-changing epiphany that, 'No', you do not in fact need an XBox 360 and 24-hour ...

Success is not Happiness / Erfolg ist kein Glück / Sucesso não é Felicidade / Exito no es Felicidad

You may confuse happiness with accomplishments. When you achieve something new, when there is a new accomplishment to add to your success list, you probably feel happy. Only for a while. You tend to forget every one of your accomplishments very quickly and every failure sticks with you much longer.  Your brain prefers to remember all your failures rather than ...

True happiness lies Within / Wahres Glück liegt in Dir / Verdadeira felicidade está Dentro / Verdadera felicidad se encuentra Dentro

Bliss, they say, is the sweetest nectar of life. Bliss is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual happiness. And you can vibrate with this bliss. And it's this happiness from within. They have a saying, 'True happiness isn't out there. True happiness lies within.' And I always wondered, 'Where is this within?' And they don't say where ...

Sustainable Happiness / Nachhaltiges Glück / Felicidade Sustentavel / Felicidad Sostenible

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We seem to have lost our way where happiness is concerned. Over the last hundred years, we have become confused about how to create happines in our lives and we are miserable for it. Long hours of work to buy stuff that we really do not need but feel compelled to purchase. This fallacy of consumerism equals ...

What is Happiness / Was ist Glück / O que é Felicidade / Qué es la Felicidad

In philosophy, happiness refers to the good life, rather than simply an emotion. In psychology, hapiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Despite different philosophies and religions, all Human prayers carry the same message about Love, forgiveness, and tolerance. Since science ...

The secret of Happiness / Das Geheimnis des Glücks / O segredo da Felicidade / El secreto de la Felicidad

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So afraid that you won’t make it, that you grab it too hard. That you just have to have that thing! And if you do that, you destroy it completely. And therefore after ever attempt to get it, you feel disappointed, you feel empty, you feel something was lost. And therefore you want it again. And you ...

Freedom from Unhappiness / Freiheit vom Unglück / Liberdade da Infelicidade / Libertad de la Infelicidad

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thought about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. Do not seek happiness. If you seek it, you will not find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ...

The Secret to Happiness / Das Geheimnis zum Glück / O Segredo da Felicidade / El Secreto de la Felicidad

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In Buddhist teachings, mindfulness is utilized to develop self-knowledge and wisdom that gradually lead to what is described as enlightenment or the complete freedom from suffering. Mindfulness practice is being employed to reduce depression symptoms, to reduce stress, anxiety, and in the treatment of drug addiction. The practice of mindfulness also appears to provide numerous therapeutic benefits to people ...

Happiness comes from Within / Glück kommt von Innen / A felicidade vem de Dentro / La felicidad viene de Dentro

Happiness comes from within, declare a million advice blogs and books, Twitter messages and Facebook memes. The idea that happiness comes from within has taken a deep position in our collective psyche. Wellbeing is not anymore engaging with others but engaging with an inner journey, a self-focused personal quest. Most of the happiness trends, from self-help books to meditation, ...

Let happiness find You / Lass das Glück Dich Finden / Deixe a felicidade te Encontrar / Deja que la felicidad te Encuentre

If you do everything for the purpose of finding happiness, you may achieve much, but you are not likely to find happiness. The higher the value you put on being happy, the more likely you are to be unhappy. Encouraging a mindset to maximize happiness may be counterproductive. To find happiness you must not seek it. You are ...

1959-10-14 Vancouver, Canada / Pursuit of Happiness / Das Streben nach Glück / Busca da Felicidade / Búsqueda de la Felicidad

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Flynn developed a reputation for womanizing, hard drinking, chain smoking and narcotics abuse. He was linked romantically with Lupe Vélez, Marlene Dietrich and Dolores del Río, among many others. He was a regular of William Randolph Hearst's equally lavish affairs at Hearst Castle, though he was once asked to leave after becoming excessively intoxicated. Flynn was married three times: to actress Lili Damita 1935 to 1942 (one ...

The formula for Happiness / Die Formel für Glück / A fórmula para a Felicidade / La fórmula de la Felicidad

Money can not make you happy, but a lack of it can definitely make your life miserable. If you can not afford a thing and you are constantly scared of how you will go through the next month, you do not have time to be happy. Money can contribute to happiness to a certain point. It is ...

Do not strive for Happiness / Strebe nicht nach Glück / Não se esforce para a Felicidade / No luches por la Felicidad

Life is tragic. You are tiny and ignorant and weak and everything else is huge, complex and overwhelming. The pursuit of happiness is pointless. Happiness is a pointless goal. It is not something to aim at – because it is not an aim. There are many circumstances in life where happiness is not only the wrong ...

Pursuit Of Happiness / Das Streben nach Glück / Busca da Felicidade / Búsqueda de la Felicidad

Happiness has become the core question of your life. But the preoccupation with happiness may actually be making you less happy. The obsession with happiness may lead you to discount both the presence and the value of the challenging and painful events that are inevitable in your life. And not to mention making you feel completely inadequate when you ...

Happiness is a way of Travel / Glück ist eine Art zu Reisen / Felicidade é uma forma de Viajar / La felicidad es una forma de Viajar

Money may or may not bring happiness, depending on who you ask. But travel definitely does. Collecting great experiences is the soul of happiness. Travelling is the best ticket to explore the World. You want to ‘find yourself’ and are tired of the routine you have fallen into in your everyday life. You want to have a blast ...

Happiness is the Way / Glück ist der Weg / A felicidade é o Caminho / La felicidad es el Camino

There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. -You should be happy right in the here and now. There is no way to enlightenment. Enlightenment should be right here and right now. The moment when you come back to yourself, mind and body together, fully present, fully alive, that is already enlightenment. You ...

It is Usefulness not Happiness / Es ist Nützlichkeit, nicht Glück / É Utilidade Não Felicidade / Es la utilidad no la Felicidad

You believe that there is only purpose of life: And that is to be happy. Why else go through all the pain and hardship. It is to achieve happiness in some way. Most people are pursuing happiness in their lives. That is why we collectively buy shit we do not need, go to bed with people we ...

I knew happiness Once / Ich habe einmal Glück Gekannt / Conheci a felicidade uma Vez / Conocí la felicidad una Vez

You live in a World of ever accelerating technological advancements - technology that is taking you beyond what many people ever imagined. This acceleration has not only increased the speed and convenience with which information is shared, it has also accelerated life. You desperately try to live your life at a 4G pace, as if you are ...

Lost Happiness / Verlorenes Glück / Felicidade Perdida / Felicidad Perdida

20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and building forts. Masters of imaginary games, children of the past created their own form of play that did not require costly equipment or parental supervision. Children of the past moved ... a lot, and their sensory World was nature based and ...

Wishes of Happiness and Prosperity / Wünsche von Glück und Wohlstand / Desejos de Felicidade e Prosperidade / Deseos de Felicidad y Prosperidad

Happiness is being in harmony with all, and limit your desires. Attaining spiritual propserity and happiness means self-purification in thought, word and deed. To live with continuous happiness and prosperity, you have to understand and live in harmony at all levels of your living. There are four levels of your living, Self, Family, Society, Nature. Happiness is ...

Bluebird of Happiness / Hüttensänger des Glücks / Sialia da Felicidade / Sialia de la Felicidad

The symbol of a Bluebird as the bringer of happiness is found in many cultures and may date back thousands of years. In Chinese mythology the Bluebird appears in a circle, often with three legs, as a symbol of the sun. The Navajo identify the Bluebird as a spirit in animal form, associated with the rising sun. In Russian fairy tales, the ...

Because I love Freely / Weil ich frei Liebe / Porque eu amo Livremente / Porque Yo amo Libremente

Love is what we long to receive and to give, yet our intimate relationships are conflicted and often painful. While most of us have moments of loving freely, it is often hard to sustain such Love in our intimate relationships. This creates a strange gap between absolute Love, the perfect Love we know in our heart and ...