The power of the Moment / Die Kraft des Moments / O poder do Momento / El poder del Momento

Anger. Impatience. Shock. Desire. Frustration. You spend your life being  bombarded by emotions. These emotions are often negative and if you act on them, they can derail you. Past karma shapes your experience of the World. You are also constantly creating new karma, and that gives you a golden opportunity. With your reaction to each experience, you create the karma ...

Catch the moment of the Day / Den Moment des Tages Einfangen / Capte o momento do Dia / Atrapa el momento del Día

The past is gone and the future is yet to be. You can only be where you are in this moment: this breath, this step, this instant. To worry about anything else is to waste energy. With mindfulness, life’s in the moment. Mindfulness teaches you the skill of paying attention to the present by noticing when your ...

Stay in the Moment / Im Moment Verweilen / Ficar no Momento / Quédarse en el Momento

There are moments in life where you wish to press the pause button and live that memory forever and ever. But sadly, you can not. Moments when you freeze because of happiness. That happiness can radiate from anyone and anything, anywhere. The World stops when this happens. Moments where your eyes focus to that special something. Moments where ...

2010-03-02 Maxaranguape, Brazil / Living In the Moment / Den Moment Leben / Vivendo no Momento / Viviendo el Momento

A man was walking in the desert when he found the telephone to God. A telephone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said 'Talk to God'. So when God came on the line asking how he could help, the man was ready and asked 'How can I live more in the moment?'. The ...

Live the Moment / Lebe den Moment / Viva o Momento / Vive el momento

Live the moment you are in; you will never die, you were never born. Mobile technology is liberating; empowering; enabling; galvanizing and gives us all power to connect not just in ways that are new but from everywhere and anywhere. Cell phone owners use their phones during social gatherings they attend but they are not happy about ...

Moments in Love / Momente in der Liebe / Momentos do Amor / Momentos del Amor

You love each other madly; then you hate each other. You find each other hilarious or extraordinary; then you really, really can not stand each other. So you give up, hurt and defeated until ... you love each other again madly. There are those moments in life when you fall in Love. You accomplish the impossible, you witness a miracle, ...

All you need is this Moment / Alles was Du brauchst ist dieser Moment / Tudo que você precisa é esse Momento / Todo lo que necesitas es este Momento

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If you want to live an amazing life, a truly abundant, happy life, make it a priority to live more in the present moment. You do not need fancy cars. You do not need millions of dollars. You do not need things. All you need is within you now. All you need is this very moment, right ...

Waiting for the right Time / Auf die richtige Zeit Warten / Esperando a hora Certa / Esperando el momento Adecuado

Stop longing for something better to happen, to have more than you own or to be someone else, somewhere else. There is never a perfect time for you to take action. There is never a perfect time for you to launch that project, to spend time with your family, to write a book, change your ...

2015-06-07 Ponta Negra, Brazil / In the (last) Moment / Im (letzten) Augenblick / No (último) Momento / En el (último) Momento

Life exists only in the moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal, for the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever ... ... You may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal Now; but you can not be, for ...

Moments will be lost in Time / Momente gehen in der Zeit Verloren / Momentos serão perdidos no Tempo / Momentos se perderán en el Tiempo

It will not last, this moment, me writing this, you reading. Moments gone, that will never come again, even if you waited an eternity. Moments matter. If you understand what powerful moments are made of, you wish to create them. Because the right moment can have extraordinary power. The standout memories hijack your mind. You replay them ...

Lost in a Moment / In einem Moment Verloren / Perdido em um Momento / Perdido en un Momento

The more absorbed you are able to become in whatever your current activity might be, the happier you are. When your mind and thereby your attention wanders away from whatever you are doing, you become unhappy. Mind-wandering is an excellent predictor of people’s happiness. In fact, how often your mind leaves the present and where they tend ...

Moments in Time / Momente in der Zeit / Momentos no Tempo / Momentos en el Tiempo

Life is a series of moments in time means that your entire life will be filled with moments. Some filled with joy and others filled with sadness. As with all moments they all have a beginning and all have an ending. None will last forever, and all will affect you according to your expectations. If you experience ...

Everlasting Moments / Ewig währende Momente / Momentos Eternos / Momentos Eternos

Life is short and you only live once. Make a collection of memories you can be proud of. Live life the way you want to. Do the things you have always wanted to do. The things you love. Nothing lasts forever, except memories. Your life is made up of moments. And whether you know it ...

Key moment of your Life / Schlüsselmoment Deines Lebens / Momento chave da sua Vida / Momento clave de tu Vida

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Throughout your life, there are moments that fundamentally change you and your perspective. This could involve finding a new viewpoint for World events, your relationship with another Human being, or discovering some hidden truth that unlocks new wisdom. The idea that important events define the meaning, direction, and quality of life is central to the accepted idea of personal development. But ...

A moment for its own Sake / Ein Moment um seiner selbst Willen / Um momento para o seu próprio Bem / Un momento por su propio Bien

Ambedo, a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details. Raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee. Ambedo, briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake. It is a moment, or ...

The final Moment / Der letzte Moment / O momento Final / El último Momento

Nuclear war seems closer and more real than it has in a generation. That existential fear has been affirmed by the organization of nuclear scientists who have spent seven decades trying to turn humanity away from nuclear weapons: The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved its 'Doomsday Clock' 30 seconds closer to 'Midnight,' an unofficial barometer of how ...

Mysterious Moments / Geheimnisvolle Momente / Momentos Misteriosos / Momentos Misteriosos

It all starts with a mysterious moment. Attraction. The word itself attracts. Attraction is fantastically attractive. Especially when it is powerful and mutual. Attraction can provide a link to another Human so irresistible that it feels like an enchantment, one that renders all needs and duties meaningless and irrelevant. It all continous with more mysterious moments. One ...

2009-10-17 Ponta Negra, Brazil / Right place at the right Time / Richtiger Ort zur Richtigen Zeit / Lugar exato no momento Exato /Lugar exacto no momento Exacto

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It is not only about being in the right place at the right time, it is about knowing what to do when you find yourself there. Stop to think for a time before rushing into a decision. Every decision is a battle between your rational conscious and your emotional subconscious mind. Make sure your choice fits your values, ...

Present Moment / Jetziger Moment / Momento Presente / Momento Presente

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. The book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding thoughts of the past or future. The book uses Buddhism mixed with mysticism traditions to describe a belief system ...

Stay a child and be Curious / Bleib ein Kind und sei Neugierig / Continue criança e seja Curioso / Siegue siendo un niño y sé Curioso

If there were something that truly moves you, it would be curiosity and the desire to know new things, Worlds, and experience. Curiosity is born with you and it stays throughout your entire life: the moment that you feel that there is nothing that motivates you to keep learning, you have a problem. Old age starts where ...

Experience is the source of Love / Erfahrung ist die Quelle der Liebe / Experiância é a fonte do Amor / Experiencia es la fuente del Amor

The one thing that seems secure is a truth that is hard to hear in the context of a dominator culture with an obsession with the material World. And that truth is that nothing lasts. Nothing lasts. You know, your enemies will fade. Your friends will fade. Your fortune, your poverty, your disappointments, your dreams - ...