1987-08-15 Mexico City, Mexico / The Dove / Die Taube / A Pomba / La Paloma

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‘La Paloma’ is a popular Spanish song that has been produced and reinterpreted in diverse cultures, settings, arrangements, and recordings over the last 140 years.

The song was composed and written by the Spanish composer from the Basque region Sebastián Yradier in the 1850’s.

In 1859 it was registered at the copyright office in Madrid as a ‘Cancion Americana con acompañamiento de Piano’.

Yradier was to die in obscurity within few years, never to learn how popular his song would become.

According to legend Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico  last request was to hear Carlota’s favorite song, ‘La Paloma’ one last time.

His last words were reportedly ‘Viva la Mexico” followed by “Poor Carlota!’

At Maximilian’s death, Carlotta’s already unstable mental health completely collapsed.

She believed that her husband was still alive and that she was still Empress of Mexico, talking to a doll she called ‘Max’ until her dying day.

Cuando salí de la Habana

Válgame Dios

Nadie me ha visto salir

Si no fui yo.

Y una linda Guachinanga

Allá voy yo.

Que se vino tras de mí,

que sí, señor.

Si a tu ventana llega una paloma,

Trátala con cariño que es mi persona.

Cuéntale tus amores, bien de mi vida,

Corónala de flores que es cosa mía.

Ay, chinita que sí!

Ay, que dame tu amor!

Ay, que vente conmigo, chinita,

A donde vivo yo!

El día que nos casemos ¡Válgame Dios!

En la semana que hay ir Me hace reir

Desde la Iglesia juntitos, Que sí señor,

Nos iremos a dormir, Allá voy yo.

Cuando el curita nos eche La bendición

En la Iglesia Catedral, Allá voy yo

Yo te daré la manita Con mucho amor

Y el cura dos hisopazos Que sí señor

Cuando haya pasado tiempo ¡Válgame Dios!

De que estemos casaditos Pues sí señor,

Lo menos tendremos siete Y que furor!

O quince guachinanguitos Allá voy yo

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