2015-02-11 Natal, Brazil / Okay / Einverstanden / Está Bem / Está Bien

Okay (Ok) is an English word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment.

Ok, I had an agreement, a secret agreement with my baby Matilda.

Love yourself before you ever think about loving someone else. Fall in Love with every single piece of yourself.

The good, the terrible, the beautiful, the stupid. Everything! Your happiness will come from Self Love.

You will never be happy in life if you do not accept and love yourself. But please do not be narcissistic!

My baby Matilda, you will be kind and always think of others. Do for others, it is good for your soul. The World needs more people who see beyond themselves.

Do not lust after more than you have.

Goals are fine and important, but appreciate every single thing you have been blessed with. You will never find happiness by looking for more.

Life will give you everything. What is meant for you will come to you when it is supposed to.

All that glitters is not gold! Things look shiny and perfect from the outside, but they usually are not.

Please do not lust after money, fame, and shiny things. There is so much more to life then that!

Believe in yourself. Everything starts and ends there. Yes, it is nice to have people supporting you, but if you do not believe in yourself you will not get far.

You can and will accomplish every single thing you set your mind to, believe in that.

Remember, I will always love you to the moon and back. You are and always will be my greatest accomplishment. You are my baby Matilda.