2015-08-13 Jericoacoara

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I decided to continue working for a bit. A full day just on the beach at place I have been before, did not make too much sense to me and at this time of the day, in the morning, the senses are pretty sharp. So I decided to listen to my sharp senses. I realized more and more that actually keeping up the site is quite some work. I had to work on the pictures taken every day, work on the text, put everything on the computer, decide what to publish and then finally do it, considering always the speed of the actual internet connection.

Please click on “View Album” to see pictures in a Google+ Album.

The day before I figured out that R$ 10 would be the acceptable price for the one way tour from the center to the beach. We are talking a 15 km drive on gravel road and sand at slow speed and it sounded fair. I decided for the first car passing by and took a seat open air in the back and paid the fair. Another car passed by, quick chat between drivers and mine instructed me to better go with the full one and I simply change the car. He confirmed payment and we left.


The drive is a very bumpy drive and therefore not very comfortable, actually almost painful. It was lunchtime and we arrived at the final stop, everybody got off and I gave thumbs up to the driver and he replied, what about his fair. I do not want to write down the back and forth and the conversation we had, two girls testified in favor of me as they actually heard the other driver telling to me back in the center that everything had been agreed and paid. My feeling told me that both wanted to trick me. I cannot speculate on who was holding the money at the moment, but I knew that they were both trying to trick me. With all respect, I think all communal taxi drivers in the business here have these intentions with Gringos.

Please click on “View Album” to see pictures in a Google+ Album.

All of a sudden, after one hour waiting, nothing was a problem anymore and I was released and went on straight to look for my friend from Natal beach. He changed place years ago from Natal to Jericoacoara and all his four children, all adults, are still with him and his wife, living the artist life of selling handcraft wrist-belts, beach remnants jewelry and more. He was at home, inland about 40 km and would not come back. One if sons and his wife were at their stand on the main sand road. My favorite son, so it was a big hug and a good feeling.


With a good feeling I wanted to walk to the close by rock formation and the famous Pedra Furada. The distance was reasonable but the surface was sand; the tide had closed the beach, so it had to be the dunes. Reasonable turned to a small challenge in the midday sun and a temperature of 34 degrees. On the way back the batteries of the camera gave up. Another trick played on me yesterday when I left them for recharge at Luiza Pizza. The waiters plugged the charger out 5 minutes after I plugged in. I liked the helpful smile though when I picked them up after 2 hours.


No sunset pictures again, Jericocoara was not meant to be this time. I did understand and prepared myself for the next day, looking up the stops, the road numbers and alternatives.


Please click on “View Album” to see pictures in a Google+ Album.

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