2016-01-25 Monteria – Arboletes

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I did not sleep very well, had kind of woken up when the security came and asked me about my next destination; to ask for your next destination was the polite security question to homeless that pretended to be a passenger at the terminal, a guy like me. I got up and answered that my next destination was the center of the city, the battery for my camera was not full yet but I am going to the center of the city for some sightseeing. I was still half asleep and still had that answer in my mind from yesterday. I took the bus to the center and got off exactly at the door step of the cyber. He was still wiping the floor and asked me to come back later. I walked to the next snack stand and had a Colombian potato. I definitely needed money, I needed Pesos and so I walked to the next bank and the cash machine said yes. I was still homeless but with 300.000 Pesos in my pocket I had enough money for the next 10 to 12 days.

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I went back to the cyber and worked on my project Rio 2016, on my accounts, read the sports news, football news and American football news. I really wanted to watch the Super Bowl in 2 weeks, maybe in Cali, in Popayan, in Quito. You can tell, I had given up on my idea to travel to Panama and all the way to Mexico. I had a conversation with my friend Big Dominik; he had to help me out with my Cash flow problem. He was stressed with the set-up of his own consultancy company, with the new challenge in his life, with the pressure. I really hope that we can work together soon and make your company a success. Thank you for being my friend for all my life.

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It was lunchtime and I wanted to make it to Arboletes today, back to the beach. I had no luck; I should have kept the beard. I took a local bus to the next village and got off at the junction; a big crowd was all over the junction and my first thought was a protest but very quickly I saw the dead body of a man lying on the street. As far as I understood he had been trying to cross the street with his donkey but had not seen the truck; the truck driver could not brake fast enough and had hit the man just a bit; enough to knock him out, enough to knock him dead. The donkey was tied to a tree and probably did not know what was going on. The crowd did.

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No chances to get a lift now, no cars were coming through; no cars were going my direction. I walked to the queue and was invited by a Colombian Cowboy to have a tangerine juice and a bit later I was invited by an older man to get onto the back of his pick-up. The police liberated the traffic and I had probably the most scenic drive of all my lifts so far. It was late afternoon, the air was mild but fresh, the wind blew into my face, the sun was setting, the sky was deep blue, the nature was beautiful and when the road hit the sea the panorama was perfect. My appearance must have left a pitiful impression, the driver offered me 2.000 Pesos for a drink.

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I walked to the center and to the street towards the beach. I saw plugs inside an ice cream bar, sat down, ordered a cold drink and recharged the battery. The snack stand next door started his preparations, started to fry French fries and the smell got to my nose. I could not resist and ordered a portion, a big plate full with tasty French fries. I had just enough time to quickly walk down to the beach and watch the sunset.

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The sea was rough, the waves high and very heavy, hitting the stone protection wall and the beach. I walked to the hospital but it was very small and had no parking, no waiting area and no bench to sleep. Opposite the hospital an old lady was sitting in front of her wooden house offering homemade sweet bread and coffee; I had 3 homemade sweet breads and 2 cups of coffee. I talked to her husband for a while and asked if I could sleep tonight on the concrete terrace in front of their house, under the palm leaf roof.

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For a small understanding of the days travel, I have included a Google Earth map. The red pins mark the locations I have stopped and taken pictures. At the bottom of the page you will find a link for all the pictures I have taken. The link will open in a Google+ Album.

Please click on map to enlarge!!!

2016-01-25 Monteria - Arboletes

See map and distances / Siehe Karte und Entfernungen / Ver mapa e distâncias / Ver mapa y distancias

0 km      Monteria

65 km    Arboletes

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1 Comment
  • Dominik Graefer
    June 2, 2016

    Thanks to you as well!!

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