2016-02-27 Boa Vista

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The wind did not bring rain yesterday and I had another peaceful night between my trees. I did some washing and left the clothes at my trees to dry and walked to the restaurant, asked for a drink, asked to leave the backpack for the day and asked if the ‘Senhora’ would prepare some lunch on Sunday because I wanted to stay all day at the Balneario. “Yes” to the drink, “Yes” to the backpack and “Yes” to the lunch. I had my 3 Yeses. I had the drink and a Paracetamol, walked feeling like a lightweight to the shopping, sat down on the floor underneath the provisionary built plastic bus stand for and took the next bus to the terminal.


I had slept quiet long, it was almost lunchtime, and I was hungry. I remembered from my previous visit to Boa Vista that one of the snack stands next to the bus terminal offered cheap and good food and I decided to have lunch at exactly that same stand that. I ordered the delicious looking meat with the even more delicious looking gravy and the owner asked me to sit down, he would serve the complete menu with my favorite roast. The complete menu consisted out of a prepared plate ready with rice and a side salad, a separate bowl with pasta, another bowl with feijao and a second plate with the delicious looking 2 slices of roast and the delicious looking gravy; I felt like a King.

Boa Vista

It was a sunny day and having been the first client at the snack stand, I had chosen the best table. The best table offered as well the beat seat, actually a wooden bench, built by the town hall as part of the public square. The best table was as well right underneath a tree, which offered complete shade in the extreme heat of the midday sun. The plate was delicious and I ate as slow as I could in order to not provoke my stomach and put him to a test bite by bite. I had finished my menu and an elder man sat down on one of the plastic chairs of my table and asked me about my origin. That was the warm up question, the courtesy question; from now on, he told me one story after the other out of his long life; I pretended to listen.


There was not really anything to do for me anymore in the center and I did not take the computer. The public library was closed anyway. Yesterday and the day before I had bought a small package of Paracetamol with only 4 pills and basically eaten them the same day, hoping always that I would have been cured the next. As long as the chemistry was working in my body, the fever was under control and the pain gone, but as soon as the effect got less the fever started to come back and so did the pain. I had my reason for today’s visit in the center, the need to buy Paracetamol and continue with the treatment.

Boa Vista

I went to the supermarket and bought a bottle of Coca Cola, went to the pharmacy and bought a package of Paracetamol, 10 pills this time and walked back to the bus terminal, sat down on the bench and waited for bus number 206 or 308. Today bus number 206 took me back to the shopping, one more time, hopefully one last time walking back to the Balneario. The Balneario was empty and I was wondering when Boa Vista would enjoy the beach and the river. My trees were empty, my blue towel gone.

I was angry, I was sad, I asked myself, when and why did you steel my towel, my blue towel that I had bought 3 years ago when I was traveling to the River Madre de Dios. I have had good memories with my blue towel. I am going to miss my blue towel. Why did you take my blue towel? Why?


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