2016-07-16 Aracaju, Brazil / Full Moon / Vollmond / Lua Cheia / Luna Llena

Alexandre was complaining about the shifts and was complaining about having had the worse shift of the early morning shifts, the time from 00:00 hours to 03:00 hours.

If he considered the time from 03:00 hours to 06:00 hours better shift of the early morning shifts, I understood what he was actually aiming at, sleep.

And so I had been so kind last night to change the hours of the shift and took control from 01:30 hours to 05:30 hours so he could get his well-needed sleep.

I had time to watch the full moon all night and watch the fool moon disappear more or less an hour before sunrise and found myself in complete darkness.

A fascinating experience, complete darkness, not even a single light from a coastal village or city, just 1 million stars in the sky.

Another fascinating experience, no orientation anymore, no point of reference, no light and no moon as reference and because of this I almost lost control of the sailing boat, almost. Change of shift.


I had my well-needed sleep after sunrise and had to take over again just before lunch, just before we arrived at the first oil platforms off the coast of Aracaju.

The oil platforms were in the way but served as orientation point and so I sailed by 2 or 3 of them in rather short distance to take some close up pictures. Change of shift.


I had my well-needed sleep after lunch and had to take over again just before sunset. The only highlight when you are sailing are either appearing and disappearing animals or appearing and disappearing coastlines.

I had the luck to experience yet another small whale, this time jumping out of the sea so that I could see his arm and again just approximately 50 meters away from the sailing boat. The wind was favorable and we sailed quietly into the beautiful sunset and into the night. Change of shift.


For a small understanding of the days travel, I have included a Google Earth map. The red pins mark the locations I have stopped and taken pictures.

Please click on map to enlarge!!!


See map and distances / Siehe Karte und Entfernungen / Ver mapa e distâncias / Ver mapa y distancias

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