He changed me and then he Left / Er hat mich verändert und ist dann Gegangen / Ele me mudou e então ele Saiu / Me cambió y luego se Fue

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I never have the best of luck with relationships so I just have given up on trying to find someone in my life to keep me happy, until one night when everything changed. That name that I will never forget and to this day brings me happiness and sadness all at once. We started that night with ...

1961-05-04 Washington DC, USA / Freedom Riders / Freiheitsreisende / Viajantes da Liberdade / Viajeros de la Libertad

The original group of 13 Freedom Riders - seven African Americans and six whites - left Washington, D.C., on a Greyhound bus on May 4th, 1961. Their plan was to reach New Orleans, Louisiana, on May 17th to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision, which ruled that segregation of the nation’s public schools ...