The invisible Power / Die unsichtbare Macht / O poder Invisível / El poder Invisible

Consumerism is the invisible power which makes the World go round and money is its fuel. All moral codes and ethical values are being obliterated. The formula for success is money and material possessions. Kindness, loyalty, honesty are useless traits. Love, intimacy, beauty, the most sacred virtues are denied and replaced by the mere lust for ...

Awakening The Mind / Den Geist Erwecken / Despertar a Mente / Despertar la Mente

To awaken is to step out of your identification with thinking by becoming present. It is a shift in Consciousness where thinking and Awareness separate. There is no more worthy goal in Human life than awakening your mind. Awakening changes the way you live and relate to the people and the world around you. Awakening changes how we think ...

1875-08-04 Copenhagen, Denmark / The Nightingale / Die Nachtigall / O Rouxinol / El Ruiseñor

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Hans Christian Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales, who have been translated into more than 125 languages, and have become culturally embedded in the West's collective Consciousness. Accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well. His stories have inspired ballets, plays, and animated and ...

Do not forget Nature / Vergiss die Natur Nicht / Não se esqueça da Natureza / No te olvides de la Naturaleza

The debate about climate change is no longer occurring in the scientific community. Qualified climate scientists have long since unanimously agreed that the evidence of climate change is overwhelming, and that Human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, is its main cause. Carbon dioxide has reached record high atmospheric levels. This has led to shrinking polar ...

The gap is Widening / Die Kluft vergrößert Sich / A lacuna está se Ampliando / La brecha se está Ampliando

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The combined fortunes of the World's 26 richest individuals reached $1.4 trillion last year - the same amount as the total wealth of the 3.8 billion poorest people. The year before, it was the top 43 people and the year before that, it was the top 62 people. Billionaires, who now number a record 2,208, have ...

1976-08-02 Beverly Hills, USA / Snake Dance / Schlangentanz / Dança Cobra / Danza de la serpiente

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Fritz Lang was approaching blindness during the production of 'The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse' and it was his final project as director. He died from a stroke in on August 2nd, 1976. After emigrating to the US in 1936, the 'Master of Darkness' had returned to Germany in 1959 to make his 'Indian Epic' (consisting of 'The ...

Return to Paradise / Zurück ins Paradies / Regresso ao Paraíso / Regreso al Paraiso

Fiji really is the tropical paradise of your dreams. Endless white sandy beaches lined with coconut palms in the warm waters of the Pacific. Coral reefs with an abundance of sea creatures of every size and shape. The promise of a tropical paradise comes true, but that is not all. It is all about relaxing. Your choice ...