1987-09-11 Kingston, Jamaica / Walk and do not look Back / Geh und schau nicht Zurück / Ande e não olhe para Trás / Camina y no mires Atrás

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In the end, if all does not work, just walk away. Do not look back; leave the past to the past. Do it for your own sanity and well being. Walking away is not a sign of weakness; it is a brave resolution. For some, it will take tremendous courage to walk away but you can ...

I know you are but what am I / Ich weiß du bist aber was bin Ich / Eu sei que você é mas o que sou Eu / Sé que tu es pero que soy Yo

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Narcissists are compelled to project an image of superiority and flawlessness. They do so to disguise a profound emptiness within. Anything that touches that emptiness - losing, feeling humiliated, making mistakes, being viewed as illegitimate - can shake narcissists to their foundation, sparking intense fear or rage. Sometimes that rage is fiery, and they offload their feelings by rejecting, humiliating, or ...