1990-01-19 Pune, India / Never Born – Never Died / Nie Geboren – Nie Gestorben / Nunca Nascido – Nunca Morri / Nunca Nacido – Nunca Muerto

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Every Human is a Buddha with the capacity for enlightenment, capable of unconditional Love and of responding rather than reacting to life. Although the Ego usually prevents this, identifying with social conditioning and creating false needs and conflicts and an illusory sense of identity that is nothing but a barrier of dreams. Osho's teachings, delivered through his discourses, were not presented ...

The Passion of Andalucía / Die Passion Andalusiens / A paixão da Andaluzia / La pasión de Andalucía

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Andalucia, the area covering the entirety of the south of Spain, is passion in many ways. Andalucian culture has its roots in the different cultures which have populated the region over the past centuries. Andalucía has been the front line of heated wars between the Islamic and the Christian cultures, and the fire of emotion brought ...