You have been Hacked / Du bist gehackt Worden / Você foi Hackeado / Has sido Hackeado

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Just as having a stranger stare at you for an extended period of time can be uncomfortable and hostile. It is no different from being under constant surveillance, except that surveillance is often done secretely and at the order of some authority. In our modern Society, where so many of our actions are observable, recorded, searchable, and ...

You can not Win / Du kannst nicht Gewinnen / Você não pode Vencer / Tú no puedes Ganar

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Black people are nothing more than servants. They are basically shadows. They are invisible, living in absolute poverty, nothing but shadows existing in the white - controlled environment where the old rules – written some time ago, officially gone, but still around – remain the order of the day. The historical inequalities and structural barriers, rooted in ...

There is no empathy in Heaven / Es gibt keine Empatie im Himmel / Não há empatia no Céu / No hay empatía en el Cielo

When little babies are in a nursery and one baby cries the other babies will cry in respons they just do not know why. Around two and a half years of age you begin to recognise yourself in a mirror, that is when you begin to mature empathy as a cultural phenomena. Once you can identify ...