Stay in the Moment / Im Moment Verweilen / Ficar no Momento / Quédarse en el Momento

There are moments in life where you wish to press the pause button and live that memory forever and ever. But sadly, you can not. Moments when you freeze because of happiness. That happiness can radiate from anyone and anything, anywhere. The World stops when this happens. Moments where your eyes focus to that special something. Moments where ...

The sense that time keeps going Faster / Das Gefühl die Zeit geht immer schneller / O sentido de que o tempo continua indo mais Rápido / El sentido de que el tiempo sigue yendo más Rápido

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You can not add more time to the clock, but by understanding how this phenomenon works, you can at least try to make life seem like it is passing by a little slower. There are different theories about why our perception of time changes as we age. For one, we perceive time relatively, and that means an ...

Lost in Time / In der Zeit Verloren / Perdido no Tempo / Perdido en el Tiempo

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When you can not figure out why you are doing what you are doing, or how you ended up working the job you are working, a sense of 'drift' settles in. It seems that instead of planning out your career, you just drifted along the tides  and eventually found yourself here. Or perhaps you had a plan, but lack ...

Loneliness is a growing Crisis / Einsamkeit ist eine wachsende Krise / Solidão é uma crise Crescente / Soledad es una crisis Creciente

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Often the main problem is not medical, it is loneliness. People need someone to listen to them, and to find purpose in life. Isolation is having a deep impact on physical health and there is a significant link between loneliness and life-span. The most common pathology is not heart disease or diabetes; it is loneliness. Loneliness is a ...

Can one decision change your Life / Kann eine Entscheidung dein Leben verändern / Pode uma decisão mudar sua Vida / Puede una decisión cambiar tu Vida

Your existence comprises of choices that you make. Choices for your life are everywhere. Despite your parents making most of your decisions for your better and brighter future when you were very young, you start learning how to choose between the options placed strategically in front of you and make decisions. The choices you make and the decisions ...

I will Survive / Ich werde Überleben / Eu Sobreviverei / Sobreviviré

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Bullying can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, although it may occur more frequently during physical education classes and activities such as recess. Bullying also takes place in school hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and while waiting for buses, and in classes that require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in ...

Good Intentions / Gute Absichten / Boas Intenções / Buenas Intenciones

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Good intentions with bad results on a large scale are found in war, politics, policies, and more. On a small scale, they are found in relationships. They are found in parenting, friendships, and in Love. Unfortunately, whether it is war, government, or people’s relationships, intention does not matter. The outcome is what matters. People want to feel ...

What I really Want / Was ich wirklich Will / O que realmente Quero / Lo que realmente Quiero

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More girls than ever go to school. Despite progress, women and girls continue to face barriers based on gender and its intersections with other factors. Age, ethnicity, poverty, and disability, in the enjoyment of the right to quality education. This includes barriers, at all levels, to access quality education and within education systems, institutions, classrooms. Gender equality is ...

Don’t take life too Seriously / Nimm das Leben nicht zu Ernst / Não tire a vida de forma Séria / No tome la Vida demasiado Serio

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You are way to serious, way too often, turning everyday situations into problems, constantly looking for shit to complain about and worrying about things that simply do not matter. It is good to handle your business and get serious about personal growth, love and being the best person you can be, being too serious will hinder ...

You are alive for a Reason / Du lebst aus einem bestimmten Grund / Você está vivo por uma Razão / Estás vivo por una Razón

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You are here for a reason. Plain and simple. That is why you are alive. That is why you must continue to live, and that is why you must fight for your life. Your reason may not be obvious to you; it may not be something you inherently know already. You may even discover your reason much ...

A World of Distraction / Eine Welt der Ablenkung / Um mundo de Distração / Un mundo de Distracción

Our World is filled with distractions – it always has been. And there is little doubt that those who achieve the greatest significance in life learn to manage them effectively. It is certainly worth the investment to recognize them in your life and make the necessary life adjustments. You only get one shot at life. Our ...

All you need is this Moment / Alles was Du brauchst ist dieser Moment / Tudo que você precisa é esse Momento / Todo lo que necesitas es este Momento

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If you want to live an amazing life, a truly abundant, happy life, make it a priority to live more in the present moment. You do not need fancy cars. You do not need millions of dollars. You do not need things. All you need is within you now. All you need is this very moment, right ...

The Self is an Illusion / Das Selbst ist eine Illusion / O Eu é uma Ilusão / El Yo es una Ilusión

Philosophers and mystics have long contemplated the disconcerting notion that the fixed Self is an illusion. Neuroscientists now think they can prove it with some help from psilocybin, the psychoactive substance in magic mushrooms. Researchers around the World are exploring the drug’s transformative power to help people quit smoking; lower violent crime; treat depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder And trigger lasting spiritual ...

There is peace even in the Storm / Sogar im Sturm herrscht Frieden / Há paz mesmo na Tempestade / Hay paz incluso en la Tormenta

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It is easy to be grateful when things in life are going well. When the bank account is full and the children are behaving. But even in difficulty you can find things to be grateful for. Gratitude helps you see that the universe is at work all around you even when circumstances are hard. You are apt ...

Spirit of the Earth / Geist der Erde / Espírito da Terra / Espíritu de la Tierra

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The World has devolved into a culture of dissociation, where we as a people have become estranged from our natural World, from community, from our bodies, from our creativity, from the mystery. You are hurrying through your life, receiving information and entertainment mediated by electronics, driving past each other to get home, eating mass-produced food grown ...

What I am involves what you Are / Was ich bin beinhaltet was du Bist / O que eu sou envolve o que você É / Lo que soy implica lo que Eres

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The Earth is not a big rock, infested with living organisms, any more than your skeleton is bones infested with cells. The Earth is geological, yes, but this geological entity grows people. And our existence on the Earth is a symptom of the solar system and its balances as much as the solar system in turn ...

Waiting for the right Time / Auf die richtige Zeit Warten / Esperando a hora Certa / Esperando el momento Adecuado

Stop longing for something better to happen, to have more than you own or to be someone else, somewhere else. There is never a perfect time for you to take action. There is never a perfect time for you to launch that project, to spend time with your family, to write a book, change your ...

2011-12-15 Houston, USA / God is not Great / Gott is nicht Grossartig / Deus não é Grande / Dios no es Bueno

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Religion comes from the period of Human prehistory where nobody had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the fearful infancy of our species, and is a childish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge. Today the least educated children know much more about the natural order than any of the founders of ...

Transformation of Consciousness / Transformation des Bewusstseins / Transformação da Consciência / Transformación de la Conciencia

For a transformation of Consciousness to happen, you must learn and practice some fundamental principles of living. The first of them is Ahimsa (non-violence). You must learn to respect the water body, the fire body, the Earth body, the air body and the Human body. In fact, Human bodies contain Earth, air, fire and water. All these elements ...

A disease called Humans / Eine Krankheit namens Menschen / Uma doença chamada Humanos / Una enfermedad llamada Humanos

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Earth is home to millions of species. Just one dominates it. Humans. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities have modified almost every part of our planet. We are having a profound impact on it. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities are now the drivers of every global problem we face. The World is beautiful as ...

The system is our Enemy / Das System ist unser Feind / O sistema é nosso inimigo / El sistema es nuestro Enemigo

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Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity and if we do not change the model, if we do not change the system, then our presence here on Earth, our debate about change, our exchange of ideas, and the proposals that we make for a more sustainable World will be totally in vain. Capitalism has twins, the ...

Rich people are poor people with Money / Reiche sind arme Leute mit Geld / Ricos são pobres com Dinheiro / Ricos son pobres con dinero

Some of the most miserable people are worth hundreds of millions. They perpetuate toxicity, narcissism, and a sense of lack that makes it difficult to spend any meaningful time with them or connect on a human level. They focus on maintaining or growing their wealth not on expressing gratitude for what they have, or considering ways to ...

Freedom from Greed / Freiheit vor Gier / Liberdade da Ganância / Libertad de la Codicia

Greed is one of those emotions that have the ability to creep in and control not only your life but your heart. Greed has the power to blind you. You can see that the presence of greed, hatred or ignorance leads to people taking life, committing adultery, stealing, and telling lies, as well as encouraging others ...