What Did You Do / Was hast Du gemacht / O que Você fez / Qué hiciste

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What did you do to help save the World? Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Anthropology in the last 100 years has laid in our doorstep, the tools necessary for an archaic reconstruction of Society, human values within that Society. It is inconceivable that western industrial capitalism could run on another 500 or 1000 years. It will not ...

Desire to feel Again / Lust wieder zu fühlen / Desejo de sentir Novamente / Deseo de sentir otra Vez

There was the first time you had sex, your first kiss, your first date, your first day of school, your first day at a job, driving a car, swimming in the ocean. There was the first time you ran a race, the first time you bought a house ... Most of these things were firsts that happened so ...

Language of Nature / Sprache der Natur / Linguagem da Natureza / Lenguaje de la Naturaleza

I believe nature is a force of good. Good is not only a concept it is a spirit. So hopefully the spirit of goodness will survive. Nature represents rebirth, rejuvenation, regeneration. The task that we face today is to understand the language of nature. The fact that we lack the language skills to communicate with nature does ...

Love is an act of Surrender / Liebe ist ein Akt der Hingabe / Amor é um ato de Rendição / Amor es un acto de Rendición

To surrender to Love, you will need to pay attention to your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, or the need to have it your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. ...

What’s on your mind / Was hast Du auf dem Herzen / Que está em sua Mente / Qué tienes en Mente

No one joins Facebook to be sad and lonely. Social media have made us more connected, more networked than ever, yet for all this connectivity, we have never been lonelier (or more narcissistic). This Loneliness is making us mentally and physically ill. Loneliness is not a matter of external conditions; it is a psychological state. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxVZYiJKl1Y We live in an ...

Are You Living a Lie / Lebst du eine Lüge / Está vivendo uma Mentira / Estás viviendo una Mentira

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90% of U.S. Internet users visit a social media site each month. Because we live in such a global Society, creating and maintaining an online presence has become most relevant in promoting your brand. Presenting our ideal selves versus our real selves has become more and more prevalent on social media platforms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EFHbruKEmw Your real Self is what you are - your attributes, ...

Dance of Refugees / Tanz der Flüchtlinge / Dança dos Refugiados / Danza de Refugiados

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There are now 82 million forcibly displaced people around the World - more than at any time in modern history. Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country. Refugee populations consist of people who are terrified, flee with little more than the clothes on their back and are ...

We are simple Beings / Wir sind einfache Wesen / Somos seres Simples / Somos seres Simples

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It is easiest to analyze the Human nature and Human spirit when you look at someone who has been completely stripped of the complexities that Society and the material World can impose. We are now listening to the voice of a Human being ... stripped of all belongings we are animals (looking for shelter, food, ...

2016-07-18 Aratu, Brazil / Small Big Adventure / Kleines Großes Abenteuer / Pequena Grande Aventura / Pequeña Gran Aventura

We woke up and immediately started to clean the sailing boat the best way possible, packed our personal stuff and waited for Juliano. Juliano arrived on time, as if he knew exactly how much time we needed. Alexandre did not want to participate in the handing over and left with the service boat to the ...

2016-07-17 Salvador, Brazil / Sunset / Sonnenuntergang / Por do Sol / Por do Sol

Already yesterday, Alexandre had been complaining about the shifts and had been complaining about having had the worse shift of the early morning shifts, the time from 00:00 hours to 03:00 hours. I had understood already yesterday what he was actually aiming at, sleep and so I had been so kind again last night to change ...

2016-07-16 Aracaju, Brazil / Full Moon / Vollmond / Lua Cheia / Luna Llena

Alexandre was complaining about the shifts and was complaining about having had the worse shift of the early morning shifts, the time from 00:00 hours to 03:00 hours. If he considered the time from 03:00 hours to 06:00 hours better shift of the early morning shifts, I understood what he was actually aiming at, sleep. And ...

2016-07-15 Maceio, Brazil / Into the Night / In die Nacht Hinein / Noite Adentro / Hacia la Noche

Last night when our taxi boat had dropped us off at the sailing boat, I had lost my only pair of glasses, which meant that I had to go back to the shopping or find a pharmacy close to the Iate Clube to buy a new pair because I was blind to short distance. We had ...

2016-07-14 Maceio, Brazil / Small Talk / Smalltalk / Bate-Papo / Charla

Part of the preparations of my professor Alexandre for our small big adventure had been establishing contact with a group of sailors who had left Natal direction Salvador just a few days before us. Alexandre is part of a Brazilian wide sailor group who exchange information via Whatsapp and this was where he had met ...

2016-07-13 Santo Alexio, Brazil / Pilot Whale / Grindwal / Baleia-Piloto / Ballena Piloto

The way from Natal to Recife had been the most difficult part of our small big adventure due to the geographical circumstances and the orientation of the wind. We had to sail exactly into the direction of the wind, which means we had to move the sailing boat on a zigzag course to make progress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KByypEvq54 As from ...

2016-07-12 Recife, Brazil / Motivation / Motivation / Motivaçao / Motivacion

Having had my first hours steering last night I understood why I had not been feeling well yesterday before departure. Having had his intense struggle and fight against the wind last night I understood why my sailing professor Alexandre had not been feeling well yesterday before departure. But it got worse and Alexandre became really demotivated fighting ...

2016-07-10 Natal, Brazil / Departure / Abreise / Partida / Partida

My life was changing again, my project was definitely not going ahead and I was definitely not going to Rio de Janeiro. I was definitely not going to live in my small beach house anymore and I was definitely going to live in the apartment of the mother of my baby Matilda. The mother of my daughter had decided to ...

The clock is Ticking / Die Uhr Tickt / O relógio está Passando / El reloj está Corriendo

There is a significant difference between time and attention. Time is the ticking of the clock where minutes and hours pass by with or without you. Attention is how you are clicking while the clock is ticking. Time does not matter. What matters is the quality of your experiences. And your experiences are determined by what ...

Miss Earth / Fräulein Erde / Senhorita Terra / Señorita Tierra

Miss Earth is an annual international environmental-themed beauty pageant promoting environmental Awareness. Along with its rivals Miss World and Miss Universe, Miss Earth is one of the three largest beauty pageants in the World in terms of the number of national-level competitions to participate in the World finals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2pPE9KVgE The reigning titleholders dedicate their year to promote ...

Future for this World / Zukunft für diese Welt / Futuro para este Mundo / Futuro para este Mundo

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At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the World Population was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million, with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year. A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: Whereas it had taken all of Human history until around 1800 for World ...