Be Together – Not the Same / Zusammen Sein – Nicht das Gleiche / Estar Juntos – Não é o Mesmo / Estar Juntos – No es el Mísmo

Be Together – Not the Same, transcends and relates to humanity in general.

We may all be from different parts of the World and have different view, but we are all citizens of Earth. We are Humans, together. All of us.

Acceptance is one key to happiness and a useful guide for operating in Human relationships. Be Yourself. Do your thing. See what is going on.

Relationships between Humans are complex.

Being yourself can be a painful struggle, not sure of who that self is, comparing against others, seeking validation and sometmes trying to be the same in an effort to live up to the expectations of others.

Doing your thing is often the thing you think you should be doing. Seeing what is going on can be clouded in emotion.

You interpret, you judge, you assume, you think, you feel and you behave, sometimes unpredictably.

How do you go about being together, not the same, being yourself, doing your thing and seeing what’s going on?

Surely not through relationship? Relationships drive you to despair and into your cave of isolation?

Paradoxically, relationships also show you the way out of it. Through relationship with others you can gradually build your Awareness, get to know yourself, your wounds and your defensive conditioning.

By observing yourself in relationship, seeing what is going on, you can identify reactive patterns of behaviour that make you into an automaton hiding your pain, vulnerability and anger.

So, tune in, listen deeply, relax, increase experimentation and communicate process.

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