Ideology is Toxic / Ideologie ist Giftig / Ideologia é Tóxico / Ideología es Tóxica

I think ideology is toxic, all ideology. It’s not that there are good ones and bad ones. All ideology is toxic, because ideology is a kind of insult to the gift of Human free thinking. If you adopt some ideology, Leninism, Mormonism … then you have all the answers. You just go and look into the catechism. Well I don’t know why the issued you a brain, they could have just given you the catechism.

Technology as the counter point to ideology, is a very different animal. Right now were going through a technophobic phase … all technology really means in the McLuhan sense is the extensions of man. And so language is a technology, shamanism is a technology, psilocybin is a technology, and certainly the internet is a technology. Its slowly dawning on a number of people, if were talking about hallucinogens as Consciousness expanding drugs, then the only difference between a drug and a computer is that one is slightly too large to swallow … the drugs of the future will be much more like computers, the computers of the future will be much more like drugs. And I think what we have to recognize is that we are in a very brief and low energy technical phase … the tail end of the petro-chemical-steam era. And where we are headed is toward the solid state, fiber optic global community of the internet.

So, I think that what we have to do is dematerialize culture in every way possible. And that means pharmacalogize culture, computerize culture, network culture, virtualize culture and make of it thereby a tool for the production of our poetic flights. A technology for the putting in place of our dreams as exhibits that we can show each other. This is what technology can be in the service of boundary dissolution. In the service of boundary maintenance you get hydrogen bombs and sarin. In the service of boundary dissolution, you get psychoactive substances and the internet, and sexual experimentalism social justice, tolerance and community. The choice is to be made on an individual level by each and every one of us …

I do not think that the government under the guise of some phony alarmist pseudo-scientific rhetoric should attempt to control the evolution of Consciousness. After all if these things truly are Consciousness expanding, it does not take too much intelligence to realize that it is the absence of Consciousness that is causing our flirtation with extinction and planetary disaster. If there is any way to raise Consciousness; diet, drug, machine, sexual practice, mantra, yantra, whatever it is we should be furiously be exploring and applying it. Because if we should fumble the ball, if we should actually where our ancestors over thousands of generations did not fail. If we are to fail, the magnitude of the tragedy will be immense.

Because failure is not inevitable … there are ideas, personalities, technologies, available right now which honestly explored and implemented could rescue the Human enterprise from the disgrace that hovers over us. We don’t want this to end in a toxified garbage pit ruled by Nazis … the Gaian mind has always been there. Nature originally through the plants and shamanism provided the tools for us to access this incredible, natural database … previous generations lost the key in western Society .

Since the 1960’s the key has been re found. It’s a matter of great social controversy … a matter of great risk to those who take it, how they will be viewed by their peers … ignorance is no longer an excuse. Anthropology in the last 100 years has laid at our doorsteps, the tools necessary for an archaic reconstruction of Society and Human values within that society. It is inconceivable that western industrial capitalism could run on another 500 or 1000 years. It will not continue as it has … and what few democratic values we have obtained, what little space for reasoned discourse has been created will be the first to be swept away.

So it is very important that people take back their minds, and that people analyze our dilemma in the context of the entire Human story. From the descent unto the grassland, to our potential destiny as citizens of the galaxy and the universe, we are at a critical turning point … the tools, the data that holds the potential for our salvation is now known. It is available, it is among us. But it is misrepresented it is slandered, it is litigated against. And it’s up to each one of us to relate to this situation in a fashion that will allow us to answer the question that will surely be put to us at some point in the future, which is what did you do to help save the World?

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