Art is my Weapon / Kunst ist meine Waffe / Arte é minha Arma / Arte es mi Arma

It is my duty to try to resolve some problems in our country with the weapons that I have: Art .. Art .. Art –

Art is a visual representation of a culture, a snapshot of the times that can be preserved and interpreted long after the point in time has passed and even the language has been forgotten.

For centuries, artists have used art as a method of communicating with the masses.

With its ubiquity in our daily lives, it is easy to forget that art can be an important tool, both for self-identity and unity, especially in a time where communication across continents is instantaneous.

While in many cases artists work to capture the beauty within the chaos of the revolutions, or the oppressive nature of their governments, their artistic contribution represents only a part of the larger picture.

Art is less about personal recognition than it is about social Consciousness and responsibility.

For the people of the Arab World, art has become more than a simple distraction or diversion, and it has come far from the oppressive ways it was used to portray the region’s dictators and tyrants.

Art is a universally translatable cry.

Songs, collages, paintings and sculptures have all been created in response to the most tumultuous years in Arab history, and all are apart of a larger whole.

Art will continue to evolve in the region, with many saying that the uprisings have awoken the Arab artistic spirit thought dormant or even absent.

Artists have precious little protection from the autocratic states they are speaking out against. The path of resistance is a long and bloody one to be sure, and no artist is spared by virtue of their profession.

It speaks to the commitment of the people who have involved themselves in such a way, and serves a sobering reminder that life as a resistance artist is far from glamorous.

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