Changing the Past / Vergangenheit Verändern / Mudando o Passado / Cambiando el Pasado

Every one of us can and does change the past.

We change the past and the future simultaneously when our Consciousness shifts to another parallel World in which another version of ourselves already exists.

This transition is usually so smooth that if it were not for a few notable changes, we would not realize we had made such a jump at all.

A metaphor for the way we shift between various realities is shifting gears in a manual transmission car. Imagine that the different gears in a stick-shift car represent different realities we can select between.

We typically shift to an adjacent reality – or an adjacent gear – one which is not so far from our current experience that all that many things have changed.

In order to shift gears, we must first move our foot from the gas pedal to the clutch, so we disengage from one gear in preparation to move to the next.

This simple process of moving our foot from gas pedal to clutch, moving the stick-shift from one gear to an adjacent gear, and moving our foot from clutch to gas pedal is one we can engage in every time we move our Consciousness to a state of disengaging from current reality – such as we feel when dreaming, daydreaming, meditating or praying.

We come out of such states of oneness Consciousness moving forward again, almost as if nothing has changed, yet actually with the ability to switch gears into a completely different reality than the one we have just left.

If you think of parallel Worlds of possible realities as gears in a car, and realize that the only way to change between physical realities is to move to an energetic state of all possibility by taking your foot off the gas pedal and placing it on the clutch to allow the gears to disengage then you can see how important it is to reach a state of neutral emotional detachment … a state of unconditional acceptance and non-engagement. From such a place of all possibility it is possible to quantum jump to an adjacent spacetime reality.

Best results in changing the past come when we can emotionally detach sufficiently to a place that is non-judgmental, accepting, and full of Love.

The more charged the emotions remain, the harder it is for people to successfully switch realities and change the past, since emotions are a lot like keys that unlock certain realities and often they also hold us in particular realities, keeping us involved in situations and experiences that match the way we feel – even if those feelings are unpleasant.

To get a past we like better, we need to change the way we feel all the way down to our subconscious feelings.

Being in the pure energy place of acceptance, forgiveness, and Love means we are no longer focused on fixing or correcting the thoughts, words, or actions of others … and that we instead have confidence and faith that everything is working out perfectly, even if we do not know how that could be so.

A big part of being in this pure energy state of mind requires we let go of our own ego-based sense of what is best or right, in order that what is best for all concerned manifests.

There is an important reason for practicing achieving and maintaining a state of acceptance and gratitude, and that is that such a pure heartfelt mindset ensures our highest order intention for the best for all concerned, rather than for purely selfish outcomes.

Only by working with our highest emotional energies can we attain highly favorable outcomes that genuinely feel best, and this means leaving behind ego-centric perspectives that invariably involve some negative emotions such as fears, doubts, anxieties and shame.

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