Trust the Universe / Vertraue dem Universum / Confie no Universo / Confía en el Universo

Sometimes you experience moments when you realize you need to trust in the universe. Maybe your life feels chaotic, or you are overwhelmed with emotions.

During these times you might realize that it is time to surrender to the universe and trust that things should work themselves out, no matter how stressed out you may feel.

Learning how to trust in the universe is both a practice and an art form. You will need to learn to let go and relinquish control.

You will also have to learn how to trust things and realize those things will happen eventually. Trusting in the universe does require a lot of patience and effort.

No matter what comes, learn to accept it, and live with it. You will need to trust others and learn from the experiences that you share with them. That way, you can be open to the wisdom that the universe has to offer.

You might feel that when you encounter a challenge, the universe is offering you a type of test.

While things can pass you by because they might not be right for you at the time, the universe does not exactly create terrible situations for you to test your faith.

The universe did not test you; it was only busy responding to you. If you take that into account, then the situations that you attract reflect what is going on inside of you as individual.

Because the universe responds to you and does not test you, that means it is in your power to turn things around when times get challenging.

If you want to ask the universe for a sign, then you will need to be willing to collaborate with the universe. You will need to be able to release control to the universe, and then you can ask for a sign.

If the universe does not give you a clear indication, then that is probably a sign of something, too.

However, you will never receive clear guidance from the universe because you are supposed to be already trusting in it.

When you have given all of your trust to the universe, you should clear your head with meditation, and then ask the universe for a sign.

It is best to ask for a sign when you are not sure about a decision or when you want to know if you are headed in the right direction.

Do not place emphasis on what you think the sign should be. Let whatever comes to your mind after that be your sign.

Depending on what comes to your mind, you may experience a sign like a number sequence, a song, a fragrance, a person’s name.

After you have received your sign, say a prayer, and turn your desires and control back to the universe.

Let go of the need to control everything and you can better connect to the World. If you can do that and go along for the ride, then you have learned to trust in the universe.

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