Cosmic Drama / Kosmisches Drama / Drama Cósmico / Drama Cósmico

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If you look at what makes your life meaningful on the worldly level, it is drama. Nobody likes to be bored. That is true even on the cosmic scale.

One of the Tantric philosophical interpretations of the universe is the cosmic drama: that everything is happening in the cosmic mind as a drama on a cosmic scale.

The cosmic mind is thinking of everything at the same time, everything emerging out of its Consciousness, existing within it, and merging back into it.

The whole process happening concurrently throughout the whole universe in different ways and different forms, all contributing to the greatest show on Earth …. well, the universe.

That is what gives meaning to your life while you are getting round to finding the true meaning of your life.

And according to tantric philosophy, that is what gives meaning to the cosmic Consciousness too.

It is vital that we participate in the cosmic drama. The World needs us. There is a divine spark in every Human that imbues us with creativity.

What we do, how we think, the way we act matters within the realm of the illusion. We can create a comedy or a tragedy, but we create something.

Yoga is a story. It is the story of lila. The word lila in this context is a noun. It means ‘play’. Lila is the divine play of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine principles. Shiva is stillness, unchanging, and unmanifest.

Shakti is fluid, dynamic, and manifest. Shiva is absolute, but without Shakti, Shiva cannot know himself. Lila is their cosmic dance.

Lila is the play. Maya means illusion. It mistakes the play for ultimate reality. Mistaking the play for ultimate reality puts us on quite an emotional roller coaster ride.

We become at the effect of what is happening in the play … thinking it is actually happening.

Identifying with maya is the cause of a great deal of suffering. When we mistake our true Self for our egos, we become quite attached to a false reality.

We forget our connection to the Divine and to each other.

This illusion of separation leads to intense feelings of isolation. When we believe we are alone, we become anxious and depressed.

We learn to fear rather than love, hoard rather than share, and hate rather than forgive. In our confusion, we do the opposite of that which is in our best interest.

We begin to heal when our pain becomes unsustainable and are able to consider the possibility that there is a better way of doing things. Yoga is the process of recognizing our connection to the Divine and to each other.

The Cosmic Drama Part 1

The Cosmic Drama Part 2

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