Being a Humanitarian / Menschenfreundlich Sein / Sendo Humanitário / Ser un Humanitario

Humanitarianism is an active belief in the value of Human life, whereby Humans practice benevolent treatment and provide assistance to other Humans, in order to better humanity for both moral and logical reasons.

It is the philosophical belief in movement toward the improvement of the Human race in a variety of areas, used to describe a wide number of activities relating specifically to Human welfare. A practitioner is known as a Humanitarian.

Humanitarians battle disease, hunger and violence in some of the most inhospitable situations and locations and they persevere despite the risks of kidnappings, death threats, murder and other deadly and abusive behaviour from the communities they work within.

A Humanitarian does not look for glory or praise. His or her main goal is to make a difference in the World they live in, to make someone’s life better than what it is, and to ease the plight of people that have little hope.

It takes a lot for a person to care about someone they don’t personally know. It is a wonderful Human ability to be able to understand struggle, loss, pain and fear and to turn that understanding into a humanitarian act.

In turn, this brings happiness, not only to the one(s) in need, but to the person giving the helping hand.

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