Understand the experience of a Child / Verstehe die Erfahrung eines Kindes / Entenda a experiência de uma Criança / Entiende la experiencia de un Niño

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Now, once we start to examine people's lives of course we have to look at the larger picture. Because no baby is born independently or could survive independently. Children are born into a culture, they are born into a Society, they are born into an economic situation, they are born into a whole set of circumstances, which they didn't choose and over which ...

Children need connection and Love / Kinder brauchen Verbindung und Liebe / Crianças precisam de conexão e Amor / Niños necessitan conexíon y Amor

Difference in opinions, personalities, beliefs or values; change in family circumstances like a new baby, separation or divorce; financial problems; alcohol or drug use; mental health problems; bullying or harassment. Family are the most important people to you so any of these relationship problems can be distressing to you and lead to negative emotions like ...

Stay a child and be Curious / Bleib ein Kind und sei Neugierig / Continue criança e seja Curioso / Siegue siendo un niño y sé Curioso

If there were something that truly moves you, it would be curiosity and the desire to know new things, Worlds, and experience. Curiosity is born with you and it stays throughout your entire life: the moment that you feel that there is nothing that motivates you to keep learning, you have a problem. Old age starts where ...

Child with Down Syndrome / Kind mit Down Syndrom / Criança com síndromo Down / Niño com sindrome Down

One of the most challenging things about being the parent to a child with Down syndrome is the never-ending quest to change the World into a more accessible and nonjudgmental place. Through everyday situations, it often hits home just how far we as a Society still need to go. The reality today is that prevailing negative attitudes, ...

From the children of planet Earth / Von den Kindern des Planeten Erde / Dos filhos do planeta Terra / De los hijos del planeta Tierra

Earth is destroying itself. Help us! Please help! Send better knowledge. Taken from a bulletin board where kids were invited to post messages they want to convey to aliens. Several of them were pleas for help. This child’s missive was especially poignant. Scientists are the smartest astronomers and physicists in the World. But they need ...

On Children / Über Kinder / Sobre Crianças / Sobre Niños

Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.They come through you but not from you,And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts,For they have their own thoughts.You may house their bodies but not their ...

Sea turtles are Endangered / Meeresschildkröten sind Gefährdet / As tartarugas marinhas estão em Perigo / Las tortugas marinas están en Peligro

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It is estimated that sea turtles have been around for at least 200,000,000 years. At some point, there were around 100 species swimming through the oceans. Nowadays, we can only track seven different species! Sea turtles are relatively defenceless to Human actions, despite what their shell would have you believe. Nearly all species of sea turtles ...

A Child’s Dream / Ein Kindertraum / Um Sonho de Criança / El Sueño de un Niño

A Child's Dream - Maybe you will not remember, - maybe you will not have the time. - Maybe you are too busy with yourself - or maybe you are just ignorant. - Maybe your eyes are blind to see - and your ears deaf to hear. - Maybe you do not have the courage, - but maybe, just maybe, you will remember ...

We steal the future from our Children / Wir stehlen unseren Kindern die Zukunft / Roubamos o futuro de nossos Filhos / Robamos el futuro a nuestros Hijos

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You, as an individual, just have to remember that in your life, you matter, you have a role to play and that every single day you live. You make some impact and you get a choice as to what kind of impact you are going to make. If everyone is making the right ethical choice, whatever religion ...

2015-07-01 Slough, England / Children’s Transport / Kindertransport / Transporte de Crianças / Transporte de Niños

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On 15 November 1938, five days after the devastation of 'Kristallnacht' in Germany, a delegation of British, Jewish, and Quaker leaders appealed, in person, to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Neville Chamberlain. Among other measures, they requested that the British government permit the temporary admission of unaccompanied Jewish children, without their parents. The Cabinet debated the issue the ...

Children of the Sun / Kinder der Sonne / Filhos do Sol / Hijos del Sol

If the Earth is our true mother, then the sun is our true parent. Together they make life on Earth possible. The sun’s energy enables life forms to exist on our planet. The sun offers light and warmth for plants to grow. Without the sun, there would be no life at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQULUQDYHLk Countless civilizations have paid homage ...

2017-05-09 Ibiza, Spain / Children / Kinder / Crianças / Niños

'Children' cost £150 to record. The song was Robert Miles ' most successful single, being certified Gold and Platinum in several countries. Reaching number one in more than 12 countries. Robert Miles gave two inspirations for the writing of 'Children'. One was as a response to photographs of child Yugoslav war victims that his father had brought home ...

2018-04-04 Minnesota, USA / Butterfly Child / Schmetterlingskind / Criança Borboleta / Niño Mariposa

When he was born, late on the evening of June 2, 2000, Jonathan Pitre was perfect: There was not a blemish on him. Early the next morning, however, a doctor, puzzled by the blisters that had developed on his fingers, ordered him transferred to the Children’s Hospital. En route, Jonathan stopped breathing as his throat closed with ...

Longing for Childhood / Sehnsucht nach Kindheit / Saudade da Infância / Anhelo de la Infancia

The past is as elusive a dream as the future. Always distorted. Always yearned for. Always seen as better days. It keeps you from the truth of the present and the pain of reality. It is seen as something beautiful, something irrevocable and somewhere that will always be better than where you are now. Because of its ...

2016-09-23 New York, USA / A better future for all Children / Eine bessere Zukunft für alle Kinder / Um futuro melhor para todas as Crianças / Un futuro mejor para todos los Niños

UNICEF launched the World version of John Lennon’s classic song 'Imagine' today. This World version of Imagine shines a spotlight on the 28 million children around the World who have been driven from their homes due to conflict. The video was previewed to World leaders at the United Nations Summit on Migrants and Refugees in the UN ...

Sponsor a Child / Patenschaft für ein Kind / Patrocine uma Criança / Apadrine un Niño

When you sponsor a child, you will be personally connected with a boy or girl who will know your name and treasure the thought that you care. Your support of $38 per month provides life-changing opportunities such as, an opportunity to attend or stay in school, medical care, which often saves lives, nourishing food, mentoring and ...

Bedrooms of Children / Schlafzimmer von Kindern / Quartos de Crianças / Dormitorios de Niños

In some countries, child homelessness is graphic, brutal and heart-wrenching. Malnourished children live on the streets in complete neglect and at risk for severe injuries. In the first World, the phenomenon is inconspicuous, veiled and very hard to infiltrate, but it is real. Our subtle acceptance of this is why it is vital for all of us ...

2011-07-02 Sorocaba, Brazil / Children of the Sky / Kinder des Himmels / Crianças do Céu / Niños del Cielo

World, Hold On (Children of the Sky) is a song by French music producer and DJ Bob Sinclar. In the video, the boy wakes up and notices on the news, that the Earth is going to be destroyed by a meteor. He decides to build a space ship of his own and takes his dog with ...

Children See, Children Do / Kinder Sehen, Kinder Tun / Crianças Vêem, Crianças Fazem / Niños Ven, Niños Hacen

NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) was co-founded in 1987 by Rosemary Sinclair and Christine Stewart. Since then NAPCAN has made a significant contribution to the safety and wellbeing of Australia's children by raising Awareness of child abuse and neglect and its impacts. And by developing and promoting effective prevention strategies and programs. NAPCAN ...

Child Hunger / Kinder Hunger / Fome Infantil / Hambre infantil

The UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund is a United Nations programme headquartered in New York City. The fund provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors, UNICEF's total income for 2008 was US$3,372,540,239. Governments contribute two-thirds of the organization's resources. Private groups and some ...

Imitation is Suicide / Imitation ist Selbstmord / Imitação é Suicídio / Imitación es Suicidio

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Imitation is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates another's bevaviour. Imitation is also a form of social learning that leads to the development of traditions, and ultimately our culture. All cultures imitate ideas from one of a few original cultures or several cultures whose influence overlaps geographically. Evolutionary diffusion theory holds that cultures influence one another, but ...

Loneliness / Einsamkeit / Solidão / Soledad

Loneliness has been linked with depression, and is thus a risk factor for suicide. Loneliness, specifically the inability or unwillingness to live for others, i.e. for friendships or altruistic ideas, as the main reason for what he called egoistic suicide. In adults, Loneliness is a major precipitant of depression and alcoholism. People who are socially isolated may ...

I always love Baby / Ich liebe immer Baby / Eu sempre amo Bebê / Siempre amo Bebe

Unconditional Love has no limits, rules or boundaries. Unconditional Love is Love that requires nothing in return. It is a Love given to a person regardless of the mistakes they make and regardless of any conditions. It is the most genuine form of Love that can be expressed. Children need this form of Love as they grow up ...