Aim of Life / Ziel des Lebens / Objetivo da Vida / Objetivo de la Vida

Śrī Tathāta is an instrument of the Divine Will. Śrī Tathāta lives in the World with the cosmic mission to break the shield of darkness covering Human Consciousness. He has come to harmonise the now troubled energies of nature, to prompt the evolution of Human Consciousness and establish Divine life on Earth. At his birth, Sri Tathata ...

Lifetime Learner / Lebenslang Schüler / Aluno ao longo da Vida / Estudiante de por Vida

Lifelong Learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability. Lifelong Learning is lifelong, lifewide, voluntary, and self-motivated learning to learn, learning how to recognize learning strategies, and monitor and evaluate ...

Meaning of Life / Sinn des Lebens / Significado da Vida / Significado de la Vida

In Hinduism, Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe and  it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, genderless, infinite, eternal truth which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes. Brahman as a metaphysical concept is the single binding unity behind the diversity in all that exists in the ...

Tragedies of ordinary Life / Tragödien des gewöhnlichen Lebens / Tragédias da vida Ordinaria / Tragedias de la vida Ordinaria

The secret of living an extraordinary life is to take control of your mind, since this alone will determine whether you live in a suffering state or a beautiful state. In the end, it is all about the power of decisions. Your life is shaped not by your conditions, but by your decisions. Commit to being happy, ...

Life out Of Balance / Leben aus dem Gleichgewicht / Vida fora do Equilíbrio / Vida fuera de Balance

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Life just does not seem to be going right, and nothing seems to help. You do not feel like yourself, you are feeling sad, angry, stressed out, fed up, physically sick. It could be stress or anxiety, grief or loss, depression and other mental illnesses, family problems, problems at school. Relationship or friendship problems, not eating well, ...

Life versus Entropy / Leben versus Entropie / Vida versus Entropia / Vida versus Entropía

Greetings … We are from the future. In the future promoting entropy is the cardinal crime. Entropy is the probability that everything will devolve into chaos. Kingdoms will burn. Empires will collapse. Worlds will be destroyed. What was once beautiful, vibrant, immaculately organized will be torn to shreds, turned to dust. Entropy is the scientific term ...

Tree of Life / Baum des Lebens / Arvore da Vida / Árbol de la vida

The tree of life is a widespread myth in the World's mythologies. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation, are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, and are portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree. Various trees of life are recounted in folklore, culture ...

Well-lived Life / Gut gelebtes Leben / Vida bem Vivida / Vida bien Vivida

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Living life is about examining life through reason, nature’s greatest gift to humanity. The importance of reason in sensing and examining life is evident in all phases of life. Reason lets Human beings participate in life, to be Human is to think, appraise, and explore the World, discovering new sources of material and spiritual pleasure. Yet not ...

What is important in your Life / Was wichtig ist in Deinem Leben / O que é importante na Sua Vida / Que es importante en Tu Vida

The pain of loss is important. Pain is really an instructor about caring. It tells you, you are vulnerable. We care where we hurt - and we hurt where we care. The gift of pain is a message about what is important in life. It not only tells you how to love; it also provides you ...

Turning point in Life / Wendepunkt im Leben / Ponto de virada da Vida / Punto de inflexion en la Vida

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The World economy has already crossed or is about of crossing a whole set of planetary boundaries, each one of which represents a planetary emergency in its own right. Including ocean acidification, loss of biological diversity, the disruption of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, disappearance of fresh water, land cover change (deforestation), and growing pollution from synthetic ...

Simplifying your Life / Vereinfache Dein Leben / Simplifique Tu Vida / Simplifica Tu Vida

This cycle of consumption never results in peace. It never brings you true happiness. Only stress, anxiety, anger and frustration. Modern life can be overwhelming. You have smartphone, tablet, desktop, computer and TV in your face all day long. This causes mental dispersion, a sort of chaos of the mind. You are now connected to the ...

Life is an Interval / Das Leben ist ein Intervall / A vida é um Intervalo / La vida es un Intervalo

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Like waves, life is an interval. There is no point in resisting because like a drop of water arriving at the edge of a waterfall, there is nowhere to go but over. It is pointless to resist when it is time. You spend your entire life fearing something that is inevitable. This fear forces you to ...

Life-cycle of a Product / Lebenszyklus eines Produktes / Ciclo de vida de um Produto / Ciclo de vida de un Producto

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The life-cycle of a product begins with design, then proceeds through manufacture, distribution, use and then follows through the waste hierarchy's stages of reduce, reuse and recycle. Each of the above stages of the life-cycle of a product offers opportunities for policy intervention, to rethink the need for the product, to redesign to minimize waste potential, ...

What makes a meaningful Life / Was macht ein Leben Sinnvoll / O que torna uma vida Significativa / Lo que hace una vida Significativa

There may be nothing more quintessentially Human than the search for meaning. From the dawn of history, Human beings have been creatures that seek meaning, make meaning, and yearn for meaning We all want to know that our lives amount to more than the sum of our experiences - that they have worth and count. When people ...

What is important in Life / Was ist wichtig im Leben / O que é importante na Vida / Que es importante en la Vida

You want purpose and fulfillment in your life. You want to feel excited and engaged in what you do, both in your career and your personal life. You want to experience the powerful oscillations of life's energy and create your own unique waves within it. In order to do so, you have to understand the balance between ...

Your life has become a Job / Dein Leben ist ein Job Geworden / Sua vida se tornou um Trabalho / Tu vida se ha convertido en un Trabajo

Dying is only one thing to be sad over … Living unhappily is something else. You do pointless things that you do not like. You want money or the biggest house, but in truth you will not be happy with it. If you are not happy with how your life is going, then you are not ...

The chemistry of the good Life / Die Chemie des guten Lebens / A química da boa Vida / La química de la buena Vida

All comes down to instinctive Human behavior. Humans are social animals - it is why we have survived for thousands of years. Danger is all around and we come together to fight danger. In business, good people in a bad environment can do bad things because they are instinctively wired to protect themselves. Likewise, bad people can ...

Your life is a Story / Dein Leben ist eine Geschichte / Sua vida é uma História / Tu vida es una Historia

You have one particularly important story that you tell yourself, about yourself: your 'life story,' which helps you to organize your experiences and give you a sense of Self. Even dictating your behavior in some cases. You are constantly updating, amending and adding to this story as you encounter new experiences. Personality comes in layers. The first ...

A life worth Living / Ein lebenswertes Leben / Uma vida que vale a pena Viver / Una vida que vale Vivir

When was the last time you sat down, or took a walk, to think about what makes this one life you have meaningful. What makes it worth living. When was the last time you took a break from solving problems, completing tasks, and pursuing your goals to ask whether those goals were the right ones to ...

The Miracles in Life / Die Wunder im Leben / Os milagres na Vida / Los milagros en la Vida

You do not see the miracles hidden in nature because without a concerted effort you look at events superficially, on the surface level, without looking deeper. Nature hides the forces that lie beneath. You are living through the here and now, frame by frame, while miracles happen all around you. It is easier to see concealed miracles ...

Give yourself a Life / Gib dir ein Leben / Dê a si mesmo uma Vida / Date una Vida

Whose life are you living. You would love to believe that it is fully your own. You might want to think again. You are wired to seek permission. When you were a kid, you needed permission from parents, teachers and other elders. When you grow up, you seek permission from your bosses and authorities. Your mind ...