A beautiful Playground / Ein schöner Spielplatz / Um belo Parque Infantil / Un hermoso Parque Infantil

The sorrow that I know, I have carried with me from my childhood and I came to understand it.

It is deep sadness that can make me cry for no reason at all.

I came to understand, that I was capable of great sorrow I was capable of great joy.

We can all actually be happy, it’s a choice.

You are always making choices and doing things to be happy – choosing what to eat, what clothes to wear, who to love, where to work.

Some of your choices are good and others not but they are all based on your deep desire to be happy.

Genetics, your personality and nature, plays an important part in your happiness.

Then life circumstances also affect your happiness such as upbringing, health and finances. But the most vital element to being happy is choice. You can choose to be happy.

Your ability to make decisions, your choices to do specific things, make you feel good, glad, grateful, jubilant, optimistic, hopeful, inspired.

Even when you feel stuck and sad at times you always have to set goals and making plans to get away from negativity, to improve your life and to make your own happiness.

Reprogram your beliefs and values. Learn good self-management skills, good interpersonal skills, and good career-related skills.

Choose to be in environments and around people that increase your probability of happiness.

The persons who become the happiest and grow the most are those who also make truth and their own personal growth primary values.

The secret to happiness could be as simple as becoming more mindful. Meditation – a practice that anyone can do, anywhere, so long as they’re willing to sit and try to silence the mind – is thought to be a happiness-booster.

Try meditating on compassion. Meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree but it completely changes your brain and therefore changes what you are.

Cultivating thankfulness and gratitude is a way to increase happiness, and it is definetely within your control to choose to be more grateful.

Grateful people tend to appreciate simple pleasures, defined as those pleasures in life that are available to most people.

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