Are animals Conscious / Sind Tiere Bewusst / Animais são Conscientes / Son conscientes los Animales

Animals seems to have emotions, intentions, plans, and personalities, all things we Humans associate with Conscious­ness. Animals do not think in words.

This means that cats and dogs and horses do not possess anything quite like Human intelligence or reflective self-conscious­ness, which is dominated by language.

Animal Awareness, whatever it is like, must be more immediate and reactive. Humans have belief systems composed of verbal descriptions, assertions, and explanations.

Animals must live more ‘in the moment’.

Animals are conscious just like people, that is, they have an Awareness of things within themselves and their surroundings.

There are different levels of Consciousness and some animals have higher levels than others. Lower levels of Consciousness allow animal species to experience sensations and emotions.

But not necessarily be aware of more complex ideas like time and space. Higher Consciousness allows animal species, to think about their past, and make plans for the future.

Animals demonstrate empathy and altruism. Some animals have even demonstrated a degree of self-awareness, that is, knowing that they are an individual that is separate from others and from the environment.

Apes, elephants, and dolphins have all shown in tests with mirrors that the image in the mirror is a reflection of their own body.

We may never be able to understand how an animal thinks, just like we may never be able to understand just how our friends or family think!

But what is important to remember is that we are just one of many species, and many of these species of animals, just like us, are conscious, and are able to feel emotions and pain or pleasure, too.

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