Arrogance vs Humility / Arroganz gegen Demut / Arrogância vs Humildade / Arrogancia vs Humildad

Fear is the root of arrogance

Arrogance is an imperfection or defilement of the mind. Arrogance is a disease that has destroyed the faith and honor of countless individuals.

Depending on where you spend your time, and with whom, you may encounter arrogance often or rarely.

Arrogance, like all character flaws, is inherently negative. It still has the potential for a positive outcome. The positive outcome is pride, while the more negative outcomes can be referred to as vanity.

Pride is a state of self-esteem and perceived self-worth which may or may not be exaggerated.

Ideally, it is a state in which you recognise your own good qualities in their own right, rather than exaggerating your good qualities to mask or deny your vulnerabilities.

Vanity is a state of excessive, unjustified pride – an obsessive tendency to compare oneself favourably against others, or to regard one’s own positive abilities or attractiveness as evidence of being above the common herd.

This can manifest as egotism: constantly acting out of an inflated sense of self; it can also manifest as narcissism: treating others as nothing but mirrors whose job is to affirm one’s superiority.

Gratitude is the root of humility

Humility is the kind that has already ceased to compare. It has already ceased to care about social status and the opinions of others because it cares about absolute things, not relative things.

It cares about truth and fulfillment and meaning and virtue. You can be seen as a fool and still succeed in living virtuously, speaking truthfully, and rising to your own challenges. You might be required to do just that.

If you want to live humbly, stop worrying about the perceptions of others and focus on what you can find to be independently true and valuable.

Consider the wisdom of others but ignore their attempts to manage you through your own Ego.

Go full speed ahead into whatever you want to accomplish. To hell with your Ego  –  your life in the World is of utmost importance.

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