Belief System / Glaubenssystem / Sistema de Crença / Sistema de Creencias

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Do not believe what you have heard. Do not believe in tradition because it is handed down many generations. Do not believe in anything that has been spoken of many times.

Do not believe because the written statements come from some old sage. Do not believe in conjecture.

Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders. But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and it will benefit one and all, then accept it and live by it. – Buddha

Belief Systems contradict both science and ordinary common sense. It contradicts science because it claims certitude and science can never achieve certitude.

Science can only say, this model or theory, or interpretation of data fits more of the facts known at this date than any rival model.

We can never know if the model will fit the facts that might come to light in the next millennium or even in the next week.

Belief Systems, faith, result from deliberately forgetting the fallibility of Human brains, especially the brains of those who wrote your particular rule book.

Paradoxically, this leads to a rejection of the best functions of the brain – namely, its ability to rethink, revise and correct itself.

The World seems to be full of stupid, crazy and half-asleep people and that is because it is still dominated by Belief Systems.

Whether this Belief System operates under the label of religion or cult or political correctness, it shuts off all brain functions except memorization and represents the suicide of intelligence.

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