Believe in Love / Glaube an Liebe / Acredite no Amor / Cree en el Amor

You are a firm believer in Love. You believe the Love of a single person has the ability to change the course of your life forever. You believe falling in Love changes you.

You believe Love can transform you into the best version of yourself. You believe Love can last forever. You believe in Love the way people believe in God.

So you owe it to Love to not ever settle. You owe it to Love to not ever grow cold. You owe it to Love to not ever reject it even in times of heartbreak or ever fear it.

So, love hard. Love fully and completely. Love even when it hurts because one day it will not.

You loved before, then Love obviously exists. Just because it did not work out does not mean it will not work out with someone else.

It would be great if everything worked out like in a movie, but it does not. You loved, you lost and you know you will love again.

Love is not exclusive to dating or marriage.

You love your parents, siblings and friends. They love you, too. If that Love exists, then it is easy to believe in Love with a partner. Love is already all around you.

Happy couples around you are proof enough that Love is alive and well. It is hard not to believe when you see couples who have been happily married for 50 or 60 years or even that new couple that can not stand to be apart.

Kids and even pets trust and Love melts your heart. The main reason any of us may stop believing is that one has been hurt.

Kids and pets do not care. They still believe in the good and it reminds you to do the same.

You are still able to love others, then others are able to love you. As long as you still feel it, you still have a good reason to believe in Love. Just keep believing that others will love you too.

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