Can’t hide from Love / Kann sich nicht vor der Liebe verstecken / Não pode se esconder do Amor / No puedo esconderse del Amor

Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide –
Gonna find you and take it slowly –
Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide –
Gonna find you and make you want me –

You can not hide from Love. You can not hide from yourself. Everywhere you go, there you are. Make peace with yourself before you can love another.

Understand who and what you are before you go any further. You can lie as long as you want to, but one day you are going to break down and let it all out.

You have never actually been in Love or you are just pretending to be in Love. Or have you decided that Love is silly anyways, you do not really need it and it is time to give it up.

Shutting down to Love leads not just to loneliness but to depression, anxiety and a lowered immune system. You can not hide from Love.

Fear of intimacy is fear of being fully seen for all that you are, and also fear of being seen as imperfect.

If you truly feel you are worthless it either attracts someone who will take advantage of you over Love or you might hide from Love, worried others will only see the negative things you focus on.

You can not manage life by yourself and need others to take care of you. You are unable to see your own inner resources.

As a child you were heavily criticised or discouraged, let down or neglected, sexually, physically or emotionally abused. You are confusing pleasing others with Love.

If something like work, exercise, overeating, alcohol or drugs has become an addiction for you it can not only mean there is no room in your life for Love, but that you have deeper issues around relationships.

You are using your addictive behaviours to hide from Love.

You have a personality disorder, consistent patterns of thinking that are markedly different from the norm.

Because you think and feel differently than others, it makes it hard for others to understand you and be in a relationship with you.

In the case of avoidant personality disorder, you do not even feel an attraction to others in the first place.

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) in particular is known for making healthy relationships a challenge.

Because sufferers deeply want to be loved but are so emotionally sensitive and afraid of abandonment that trying to fall in Love is overwhelming and leads to overreacting, sabotage, and depression.

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