Christmas Calamity / Weihnachtsunglück / Calamidade de Natal / Calamidad de Navidad

A special Christmas family meal is traditionally an important part of the holiday’s celebration, and the food that is served varies greatly from country to country.

The meals are often particularly rich and substantial and form a significant part of gatherings held to celebrate Christmas. In some cases, there is a ritual element to the meal related to the religious celebration.

A standard Christmas meal today includes turkey, goose or other large bird, gravy, potatoes and vegetablesand yet we forget the historical poverty and oppression surrounding the birth of the Child we celebrate.

Because it is uncomfortable and does not quite fit in with what we have made Christmas to be. We do not like to recognize or think about the poverty associated with the birth of the baby Jesus.

It is easy to see how the spirit of christmas has degenerated into consumer madness. Abundance can easily be misinterpreted or manipulated into the Christmas shopping fever that affects so many people.

Corporations whose end-of year profit margins depend on the consumerism of the Christmas season have led us to believe that buying (mostly useless) things is the epitome of the Christmas spirit.

The impulse to buy during christmas is a strong one, and it is not about putting an end to it, but rather to expand it to include those who do not participate.

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