Circles / Kreise / Círculos / Círculos

Man is immersed in dreams. He lives in sleep. He is a machine. He can not stop the flow of his thoughts, he can not control his imagination, his emotions, his attention.

He does not see the real World. The real World is hidden from him by the wall of imagination.

Nothing can be attained in sleep. In the Consciousness of a sleeping man, his illusions, his dreams are mixed with reality. He lives in a subjective World and he can never escape from it.

And this is the reason why he can never make use of all the powers he possesses and why he lives in only a small part of himself.

There is an earthiness to Gurdjieff’s teachings and he was certainly no ascetic, quite the opposite.

He was commendably Human, he loved to drink and enjoyed smoking opium.

Gurdjieff was highly charismatic and a notorious womaniser, said to have fathered over 100 children.

Gurdjieff fused Western and Eastern, ancient and modern traditions, Hindu and Buddhist ideas of non-attachment and reincarnation, classical harmony and geometry, Self Awareness and self development.

Conscious Love evokes the same in response.

Emotional Love evokes the opposite.

Physical Love depends on type and polarity.

Faith of Consciousness is freedom.

Faith of feeling is slavery.

Faith of body is stupidity.

Hope of Consciousness is strength.

Hope of feeling is cowardice.

Hope of body is disease.

Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff

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