Do not settle for Less / Begnüge Dich nicht mit Weniger / Nao aceite Menos / No te conformes con Menos

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You are not meant to play small. You recognise your potential, but something stops you from achieving it.

You become an accomplice in your own dissatisfaction when you constantly settle for less than what you want.

Make decisions that reflect what you desire from life and your relationships and you will start to feel better about yourself.

You will feel confident in yourself, and your life will consequently mirror what you had hoped for.

You know what you need, and you know what you deserve. Going out and getting what is yours does not make you a bitch – it makes you a strong person who is in complete control of his own destiny.

The universe is endless. It is infinite. And it holds everything you deserve and desire.

You just have to believe. You have to know what you deserve. And continue to say ‘No’ to the things that ‘Alomost’ give you what you need.

You deserve to have it all – Love, respect, peace. Do not settle for less than you deserve.

Become intentional on what you want out of life. Commit to it. Nurture your dreams. Focus on your development and if you want to give up, know what is involved before you take the plunge.

Someone out there right now is working harder than you, reading more books, sleeping less and sacrificing all they have to realise their dreams and it may contest with yours.

Do not leave your dreams to chance.

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