Do You think I am Beautiful / Glaubst Du dass ich Schön bin / Você pensa que Eu sou Bonita / Crees que Soy Bonita

Common Cosmetics include lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, foundation, rouge, skin cleansers and skin lotions, shampoo, hairstyling products, perfume and cologne.

Already Egyptian men and women used Cosmetics to enhance their appearance.

The Ancient Greeks also used Cosmetics as the Ancient Romans did, Cosmetics are mentioned in the Old Testament.

Approximately 20% of girls between 8 and 18 who wear Makeup describe feeling unappealing, undesirable and simply not confident when they are not wearing makeup.

Approximately 50% of women 18 and older have negative feelings when they don’t wear makeup.

To be specific, 44% of women suffer from negative emotions when they go natural, 16% felt unattractive, 14% felt self-conscious, and 14% felt like naked/as though something is missing.

A small minority of 3% felt more attractive when they decided to go natural.

For the average woman in today’s Society, Makeup has become a necessity; there is no way a woman can leave the house without her ‘face’ on. This happens to be especially true for working women.

During the 20th century, the popularity of Cosmetics increased rapidly, as well as criticism from a variety of sources including some feminists, religious groups, animal rights activists, and public interest groups.

There is a strong connection between Makeup and Mental Health. A healthy body image requires a balance within Your whole self.

If You are using makeup as a ‘mask,’ rather then an ‘accessory, than this a signal that something is bothering You and Your emotions remain locked inside, growing in intensity stress and tension.

Beautiful, Without and Within.

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