Fade to Grey / Grau Verblassen / Dissipar a Cinza / Desvanecer a Gris

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A grey character, full of meaning but empty of personality. The World has changed and men are starting to behave like women.

There are now men beauty products and men go to their beauticians to make themselves beautiful. They are also empty of personality and spiritual characteristics. –

Physical beauty and spiritual/personality beauty are very rare in one person.

You have met the physical beauties and the spiritual / personality beauties. You prefer the spiritual / personality beauties.

But then maybe you are not a successful person with money that could attract one of the physical beauties.

You may have spent time with the physical beauty women and you may find they are empty shells.

They have had no time to grow spiritually or develop a personality, as they do not need to have either, as they can attract what they want without doing anything.

The ratio of physical beautiful women to successful males who do not care if they are empty are not in balance.

There are always an over supply of beautiful empty women and a very small percentage of successful males.

So some of these women will have to pick a lesser male and in must cases that male will be at the bottom of the IQ curve.

In the top twenty billionaire club there is only one woman who made her billions and she made those billions selling beauty products to women that make them look more attractive.

But now that both sexes are playing the beauty game there will be nobody left to look after the day to day needs of the World.

We know beauty killed the beast but we are now moving to beauty to killing our entire Society.

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