Find Gratitude and be Grateful / Finde Dankbarkeit und sei Dankbar / Encontre gratidão e seja Grato / Encuentra gratitud y agradece

Sometimes things happen, and you do not know exactly why they happen.

These things could be amazing, like falling in Love, while others could be heartbreaking, like a death of a loved one.

These things can be so sudden and so unexpected that you do not know how to react.

You might be feeling so much that you do not know exactly the words to say.

Sometimes there are no words to say what is happening or how you feel. Sometimes it is the silence that speaks for you.

Think of those things in your life you do not understand and those feelings you have that you can not explain.

And even if things in your life are so terrible right now that the only word you can think of is misery, I want you to find gratitude.

Even in the roughest times there is always something for to be thankful for, and that includes life’s journey.

Each gain and each loss is filled with something more meaningful. A lesson to make you wiser, an ache to make you stronger.

Although right now you do not understand and you are questioning everything, trust the path your on and a deeper meaning will appear and maybe, just maybe, one day you will understand why all of this is happening.

And you will finally find the words to speak. But until that day comes, all I ask of you is to be grateful.

Trust the path you are on. Trust the process of life. Things might not make sense now, but it is because you have yet to understand.

There is a deeper meaning, and the only way to find this meaning is with trust and gratitude.

Life is all about change and adapting. Change happens unexpectedly and that is simply a part of life.

Give thanks to everything you have while you have it, and trust that life will guide you to an even brighter future.

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