Follow your heart And Intuition / Folge Deinem Herzen und Deiner Intuition / Siga seu coração e Intuição / Sigue tu corazón e Intuición

How often do you listen to yourself. How often do you feel that something is going right or wrong. You can not explain why, you simply feel it. How often do you follow your instinct, follow your gut, follow your intuition.

The concept of intuition, the idea of making successful decisions without analytical thought, has intrigued philosophers and scientists since the time of the ancient Greeks, and now you.

You can not explain, cannot give some logical reasoning why we are doing so. Your simply know it is for you. You feel it with your heart. You have never analysed and never doubted, but felt.

Remember yourself making life changing decisions that will affect your future.

In most cases you need some time to think it over, consider all the details, assess the risks and predict the possible consequences, and only then after a long deliberate analysis you are coming to some logical conclusion and making a final decision.

You leverage the power of your mind – the ability to focus, organize, reason, categorize, and problem solve.

Remember that your mind reflects the presence through the past. All the decisions you make in your mind are connected with your past experience, your past anxieties, fear and doubts.

Transform fear into Love and create miracles and Love in your life. Your heart and your mind can exist in harmony and create such miracles when you learn to open your heart to Love, gratitude, inspiration and joy.

When you learn to trust yourself, you will access expansive heart energy – energy of peace and presence. And this energy will keep your mind calm, holistic and balanced.

All is interconnected. Your intuitive feelings and impressions help generate your beliefs and choices. Emotions always come first, and it is very important to feel yourself in this moment.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.

They somehow know what you truly want to become.

Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs

Believe in the huge power of intuition. Following your intuition is an exciting process of discovery, exploration and creation.

You become a revelation for yourself. You are learning to trust yourself. You are creating your new Self. You are getting more confident in everything what you are doing.

When you make a life changing decision, you are absolutely sure, it is the right one. Every day you are changing, you are different. Every day you wake up with a very special feeling. Feeling of yourself.

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