Freedom to Change / Freiheit Dich zu Verändern / Liberdade para mudar a Si Mesmo / Libertad para Cambiarte

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You have three drives deeply embedded in you – the will to survive, the will to reproduce, and the will to make your life easier and more pleasurable.

These drives help form your beliefs, control your habits, and lead to your destiny.

You have a desire to organize things so that you can better control the chaotic World around you. Your beliefs are one way you to organize and interpret the World

Technology has seeped into every area of your life making things easier and easier and leaving you with more free time to ponder the meaning of your existence.

You make choices in every waking moment, but how free are you. Have your beliefs and feelings about yourself and the World blinded you from the true truth of your existence.

You tend to make decisions about 7 seconds before you know you have made them, leaving you with the illusion that you made a choice.

You are genetically programmed to take the path of least resistance, leading you to think you are making conscious choices when the reality is that you just take the easiest and most pleasurable path at any given moment.

How do these powerful unconscious forces control your choices and behavior to such an extent that you are not aware of it.

These natural tendencies can be changed if you have the courage to examine how you lead your life.

If you are seeking more from life or feel that something is missing, you have the freedom to change and see reality more clearly.

You have the freedom to change almost anything in your life if you understand and accept a few fundamental facts and truths.

You can become your own Life Coach and your own mentor. You will learn simple but profound secrets, you will discover how to find your true path in life and shape your own future.

You can change the World, one person at a time – starting with you.

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