Go to Bed Hungry / Hungrig zu Bett Gehen / Para cama com Fome / A Cama com Hambre

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In politics, humanitarian aid, and social science, Hunger is a condition in which a person, for a sustained period, is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs.

Some 795 million people in the World do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life.

The 2008 financial crisis further increased the number of people suffering from Hunger, including dramatic increases even in advanced economies.

Still there was relatively little Awareness of Hunger from leaders of advanced nations such as those that form the G8.

Of the estimated 2.2 billion children worldwide, about a billion, or every second child, live in poverty.

Of the 1.9 billion children in developing nations, 640 million are without adequate shelter.

400 million are without access to safe water; 270 million have no access to health services.

10.6 million children die before reaching the age of five, which is equivalent to the total child population of France, Germany, Greece, and Italy.

Developed countries have a serious problem with child poverty!

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