Good Human / Guter Mensch / Bom Ser Humano / Buen Ser Humano

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What do you want me to be when I grow up?

I want you to be a good Human being.

Who is a good Human being?

The one who is selfless (meaning without Ego), caring, loving and respectful.

You live in a fast-paced Society where life is mechanical. Earning more money matters the most and making it quick is even better.

Being financially settled and securing top positions in top companies is the aim.

We want our children to achieve more and more in everything they do and so it becomes a race, a race to be better than the best.

There is nothing wrong in being the best … but at what cost?

We all want our children to become engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs and hold the best of degrees.

Nothing wrong with wishing the best for your child. Do not forget to draw a line between need and greed.

It is important to tell your child to build a successful and inspiring personality.

Explain the importance of being a good Human first. You want you child to have a character that reflects humanity.

Humanity is not just another word in the dictionary, but the basics of our lives.

We are all connected through humanity. Only a good Human being can achieve heights and sustain there longer.

Today’s World lacks humanity in every place.

You do not have time for anyone except yourself. You have become more selfish than selfless.

You feel superior to others and put your Ego before anything and everything.

You take pride in a false image that you create of yourself before people.

If you strive for a better tomorrow, then you need to start preparing for it today.

Your children are your tomorrow.

It gives you happiness when someone praises your child for the goodness they do and manners you have instilled in them.

You take immense pride for all the appreciation they receive. Prepare them for being good Humans first.

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