Happiness does not Wait / Das Glück wartet Nicht / A felicidade não Espera / La felicidad no Espera

The best time to be happy is always now.

You want the future to come, because it is better there. The future is an illusion. It is just a concept in your head.

When it arrives, it will arrive as the present moment. If you are not here and now, you will miss it. You will keep dreaming of a better future, which never really comes.

The solution is to stay present here and now. Feel your body, notice your feet, your legs, your breathing.

Become intensely present in what is going on here and now. When your mind tries to pull you back, bring your attention back to your body.

Breathe and let things be. Each breath is a new beginning. Life becomes easier. You feel better. Real living is living from your heart.

It is living in the present moment and following your excitement. Do what you love and  build a business around your passion.

Waiting for happiness is a good way for being sad.

Happiness is the one thing you want most in this life, the one thing you spend a good deal of your time searching for.

You are looking for happiness right now. You are never going to find it. The fact that you are even looking for happiness means that you  do not quite understand it.

Happiness is not a commodity that can be bought or paid for. It is also not some funny creature living in the dark corners of the Earth, laughing at your attempts to capture it.

And it is not a object that merely attaches itself to a person, a place, or an event, and then waits for you to run into it someday.

The reason that you will not find happiness is because it can not be found. To have it, you must first create it.

Creating happiness is different. When you create happiness, you are building something new, something that did not exist before.

You have to work to make something unique that will open up space in your heart you never knew existed, and re-inflate that heart in a new way. Learning to create happiness is not easy, and it does not happen overnight.

When life is hard, take a deep breath and step away from life. Take time to notice the beauties around you. Try something new and do not be afraid to be silly or to mess up.

Create happiness in other ways. Put your heart into creating happiness. Serve others and to take joy. The only real happiness is the kind you create for yourself.

Waiting for a train to go, or a bus to come,

Waiting for a ship to sail, or the mail to come,

Waiting for the phone to ring or the snow to snow,

Waitig for a Yes or No or for your hair to grow,

Waiting for the fish to bite or the wind to fly your kite,

Waiting for the sun to set or to give you light

Waiting for a string of pearls or a pair of pants,

Waiting for true Love or life giving you a chance.

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