I tried to Change / Ich habe versucht mich zu ändern / Eu tentei Mudar / Traté de Cambiar

Change is a crucial part of life. Change is the only constant you will ever truly know. But, change comes with discomfort. Change is not readily accepted or celebrated.

Change can create conflict and tension. It is important that you understand change, embrace change and work with change to succeed in your journey.

Pride tends to hold the belief that one way is the best way. Pride can come from anywhere. It can come from you believing you know best.

Pride can come from your family, your friends, or your team who believes they have the best answers. Overcoming pride means letting go of control and being willing to listen and learn.

Fear can drive most any aspect of life. But, fear most often comes from a negative emotion and response, and the results tend to be negative as well.

When fear drives you, it becomes a hinderance to growth and strength. Face your fears head on, with honest and transparent understanding.

You can not live life, lead through and support your family and friends or your organization through changes without trust.

You need trust with your family, your friends or your team, your followers and your audience.

This requires time, patience and clear communication. Without trust, you will almost never be able to move forward.

Comparison is a deadly trap. You will absolutely waste your potential if you are pursuing someone else’s dream or vision.

And, your success and the success of others will always be different. Comparison is a distraction and drains the necessary energy needed to effectively lead change.

Ignorance should be an obvious enemy of change, but it usually is not. If you deal with pride, ignorance is it’s closest companion.

If you assume your way is best, you will often forego the counsel and wisdom of others. Learn to listen, take time to read and always be willing to admit weakness or failure.

Apathy is simply a nice way of saying laziness. This usually happens when you assume that things will never change because ‘that’s the way it’s always been done’.

Nothing will kill the morale and momentum more than apathy. You have to lead change with commitment and energy!

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