Life is Strange / Das Leben ist Seltsam / A vida é Etranha / La vida es Extraña

Life is strange, sometimes very dark, and very uncertain. Some think of life as passion, and some think of life as what a man is willing to give his thoughts to.

Some call life a continual cycle of new surprises, while some say that life is one thing after another, as it were only a series of events.

Life is definitely what you make it.

You will always have a choice in life, and from these choices you will have laid out the path you traveled, whether it is one that you had to beat down and create for yourself, or whether it is a road that you traveled along with everyone else who was not really too much interested in making their life their own.

Life is strange sometimes. The more you try to change, the more you stay the same.

Perhaps you are trying too hard. Perhaps you are trying in all the wrong ways. Make out of life whatever it is that you desire to make out of it, just be sure to make something.

Sometimes all it takes to find a moment of peace and calm is to return to a place from your childhood and remember the good times. 

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