Lost in Time / In der Zeit Verloren / Perdido no Tempo / Perdido en el Tiempo

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When you can not figure out why you are doing what you are doing, or how you ended up working the job you are working, a sense of ‘drift’ settles in.

It seems that instead of planning out your career, you just drifted along the tides  and eventually found yourself here.

Or perhaps you had a plan, but lack of follow through or a few of life’s hard knock outs changed it, and you just drifted along.

The truth is, you drifted to some extent into whatever it is you are doing. Feeling the ‘drift’ is an emotional trigger for feeling lost.

Your job is a means to pay the bills, not an outlet for your deeply felt passion. If you always think you are too busy with your job and your daily routine, then feeling lost is inevitable.

Right alongside passion is the necessity of perceiving that what you do has a purpose, a meaningful reason for being.

It is hard to get motivated about the meaningfulness of your life when you have only a shallow sense of why what you are doing contributes to the big picture.

You have disconnected from your own heart and soul.

Your life is based on the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that have been handed down to you by your parents, family members, teachers, friends, Society, and every single person with whom you interacted.

You pay too much attention to your rational mind, and to what everyone else has to say, and now you can no longer hear the voices of your heart, nor can you connect to the wisdom of your soul.

Your heart is closed and your fear governs your life. Fear is present in your mind, in your heart, in your home, in your work, in the decisions you make, in the relationships you have and in everything you do.

You live in a permanent state of fear, and since Love is no longer welcome, you feel lost, disoriented, disconnected and unhappy. You have a distorted sense of self.

You no longer see your beauty, your light, and your perfection, and you can no longer accept this truth – that who you are is enough!

All you see is how little, unworthy and insignificant you are, and nothing you do is good enough.

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