Money is the root of all Evil / Geld ist die Wurzel allen Übels / Dinheiro é a raiz de todo o Mal / El dinero es la raíz del Mal

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Our obsession with money, the stock market, trade negotiations, tax reforms, and all the other objects of political, economic and monetary discussion have immersed in precisely that sort of pure materialism that God warned us about.

Who knows how far we may go in our Love of money before we cross over into truly dangerous spiritual territory.

Having money is not bad. Working hard to earn money is not bad, and sound moral behavior tends to produce wealth naturally.

Love of money is surely as great a vice of the socialist who views everything as materialistic and economic as it is for those of us who feel the pull of conscience when money moves more and more to the center of our existence.

No one who makes money the center of his life is ever satisfied with what he has. The lust for wealth is a narcotic just as insidious as heroin or pornography.  It consumes us.

When our biggest health problem is obesity from overeating and the biggest mental health problem is addiction to drugs, alcohol, and myriad electronic devices to create artificial recreation, then more money will not make us happier or better.

If people were content with what they have, then the great virtues all of us have the power to claim – kindliness, honor, gratitude, reverence, humility, gentleness, charity, peacefulness, wisdom, mercy, and Love – would fill our lives.

And make us a community and a nation that value what ought to be valued. We would be happier. We would be better.

The World is coming to an end
The air is polluted, the oceans contaminated
The animals are going extinct, the economy’s collapsed
Education is shot, police are corrupt
Intelligence is shunned and ignorance rewarded
The people are depressed and angry
We can’t live with each other and we can’t live with ourselves
So everyone’s medicated
We pass each other on the streets
And if we do speak it’s meaningless robotic communication
More people want 15 seconds of fame
Than a lifetime of meaning and purpose
Because what’s popular is more important than what’s right
Ratings are more important than the truth
Our government builds twice as many prisons than schools
It’s easier to find a Big Mac than an apple
And when you find the apple
It’s been genetically processed and modified
Presidents lie, politicians trick us
Race is still an issue and so is religion
Your God doesn’t exist, my God does and he is All-Loving
If you disagree with me I’ll kill you
Or even worse argue you to death
92% of songs on the radio are about sex
Kids don’t play tag, they play twerk videos
The average person watches five hours of television a day
And it’s more violence on the screen than ever before
Technology has given us everything we could ever want
And at the same time stolen everything we really need
Pride is at an all time high, humility, an all time low
Everybody knows everything, everybody’s going somewhere
Ignoring someone, blaming somebody
Not many Human beings left anymore, a lot of Human doings
Plenty of Human lingerings in the past, not many Human beings
Money is still the root of all evil
Yet we tell our kids don’t get that degree
The jobs don’t pay enough
Good deeds are only done when there’s a profit margin
Videos of the misfortunes of others go viral
We laugh and share them with our friends to laugh with us
Our role models today
60 years ago would have been examples of what not to be
There are states where people can legally be discriminated against Because they were born a certain way
Companies invest millions of dollars hiring specialists
To make little girls feel like they need make-up to be beautiful
Permanently lowering their self-esteem
Because they will never be pretty enough
To meet those impossible standards
Corporations tell us buy, buy, buy, get this, get that
You must keep up, you must fit in
This will make you happy, but it never does for long
So what can we do in the face of all of this madness and chaos?
What is the solution? We can love
Not the Love you hear in your favorite song on the radio
I mean real Love, true Love, boundless Love
You can love, love each other
From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed
Perform an act of kindness because that is contagious
We can be mindful during every interaction
Planting seeds of goodness
Showing a little more compassion than usual
We can forgive
Because 300 years from now, will that grudge you hold against your friend, your mother, your father have been worth it?
Instead of trying to change others we can change ourselves
We can change our hearts
We have been sold lies
Brainwashed by our leaders and those we trust
To not recognize our brothers and sisters
And to exhibit anger, hatred and cruelty
But once we truly love we will meet anger with sympathy
Hatred with compassion, cruelty with kindness
Love is the most powerful weapon on the face of the Earth
Robert Kennedy once said that
Few will have the greatness to bend history
But each of us can work to change a small portion of events
And in the total of all those acts
Will be written the history of a generation
So yes, the World is coming to an end
And the path towards a new beginning starts within you

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