Beauty Addiction / Schönheits-Sucht / Vicio ao Beleza / Adicción a la Belleza

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Does having someone massage your feet and polish your nails calm down your anxiety? Do you get nervous when your hair stylist is on vacation? What if you miss your regular waxing appointment? Imagine, or better do not imagine, your legs, your arms, your eyebrows or your pussy. Beauty routines can become addictive. Psychologists typically reserve the word addiction for ...

An escape from what Is / Eine Flucht vor dem was ist / Uma fuga do que É / Un escape de lo que Es

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Smartphones provide you an escape from reality, an escape from what is. You have become a modern slave, enslaved to smartphones, and addicted. You have become addicted. You are addicted. Your brain on 'smartphone' is the same as your brain on 'cocaine'. You get an instant high every time your screen lights up with a new notification. 'SNS monitoring addiction', in which you ...

A World of Distraction / Eine Welt der Ablenkung / Um mundo de Distração / Un mundo de Distracción

Our World is filled with distractions – it always has been. And there is little doubt that those who achieve the greatest significance in life learn to manage them effectively. It is certainly worth the investment to recognize them in your life and make the necessary life adjustments. You only get one shot at life. Our ...

Change the way we Think / Die Art wie wir denken Ändern / Mude a maneira que Pensamos / Cambia la forma en que Pensamos

Become a kinder person Practicing mindfulness increases Empathy and lead people to act more altruistically. Meditation learned through live courses with a mindfulness teacher has a strong effect on altruistic behavior. People who undergo a two-week, 10 minute-a-day meditation course using the smartphone app Headspace are also more likely to behave altruistically although the effect is not quite as pronounced. Learn ...

Take nature as a Teacher / Nimm die Natur als Lehrer / Tome a natureza como Mestre / Toma la naturaleza como Maestra

Seeing nature as a teacher is an element of ancient wisdom. Advice from nature is about listening to nature. The Earth and the sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent teachers, and teach more than you can ever learn from books. Observing nature is always an awe-inspiring, spiritual experience and ...

Out of Balance / Aus dem Gleichgewicht / Fora de Equilíbrio / Fuera de Balance

You have been told that if you only had that coolest, newest car/phone/pair of shoes/you-name-it, you would be happy. But as soon as you get that newest thing that was guaranteed to make you happy, you are told that a new something has just come out and you will never be happy unless you get it ...

The Loneliness Epidemic / Epidemie der Einsamkeit / A epidemia da Solidão / La epidemia de Soledad

You live in an era in which communication seems simpler than times of the past. In essence, a co-worker is one email away, a friend is one text away, and a loved one is one video chat away. Although communication is easier and faster, connection still is complicated. Despite the practical societal advancements, our technologically advanced time is being ...

Ugly truth about modern Life / Hässliche Wahrheit über das moderne Leben / Verdade feia sobre a vida Moderna / La fea verdad sobre la vida Moderna

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You use your smartphone twice as much as you think you do, an average of five hours a day - that is roughly one-third of your total waking hours. Do you use your smartphone because you are bored or because you are trying to avoid dealing with stressful or unpleasant things in your life. Excessive smartphone use is ...

Wilderness Healing / Wildnisheilung / Cura na Natureza / Cura en la Naturaleza

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One of the most detrimental aspects of modern Society is that you spend far too much time on your phone and digital devices. Whenever you are bored, you unconsciously reach for them. You spend a large part of your life on your computer, watching television, checking your smartphone, driving in your car, and sitting at your ...

You are wasting your Life / Du verschwendest Dein Leben / Você está desperdiçando sua Vida / Estás desperdiciando tu Vida

Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the internet. Stuffing your face with too much food. Drinking too much. And the list goes on. Take a serious look at your life. Where are you spending the majority of your time? You complain about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors or your spouse. You are doing nothing ...

Social Media creates Addiction / Social Media schafft Sucht / Mídia social cria Vício / Redes sociales crean Adicción

Social media companies are deliberately addicting you to their products for financial gain. Behind every screen on your phone, there are generally a thousand engineers that have worked to try to make it maximally addicting. Innovation keeps you looking at your phone far longer than necessary. Addiction is defined as a harmful, persistent, and compulsive dependency to a behavior ...

Living for Likes / Für Likes Leben / Vivendo por Likes / Vivir para Likes

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Are you living for Likes or liking to live? Is your online life more vibrant than your real one? - Social media is addictive. Anyone under 25 is a narcissist, convinced that every meal must be photographed and shared. People bully one another online and send naked photos with alarming regularity. But the real threat is 'The Happiness ...

Divided Souls / Geteilte Seelen / Almas Dividas / Almas Divididas

There is something about self-conscious spirituality: all kinds of religion involving preaching and moralising, and talking to oneself in a split and divided way - good 'I' against bad 'Me' - that is profoundly phoney. Nobody ever transforms himself into an enlightened pattern of life by dividing himself into two pieces: good 'I' and bad 'Me' ...

2012-02-26 Miami, USA / Justifiably take Life / Zu Recht das Leben Nehmen / Tirar a vida com Razão / Tomar la vida con Razón

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Is killing ever justifiable? Are all lives equal? When exactly is it 'Okay' to kill someone? There is no correct answer. Beliefs, ethics, and morals vary from person to person. I hope all people understand all life is precious and significant, even if the life is a spider. Killing for domination, and ultimately for survival, is partly the ...

Facebook: Turn it Off / Schalt es Ab / Apaga Isso / Apágalo

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People spend time looking into the lives of their friends, reading posts and updates, looking at photos and feeling that they are ‘catching up’ with that friend, yet, people do not engage with that friend. They do not pick up the phone to connect. Before than using Facebook to deepen the friendship, they observe their friends, ...

Technology culture destroys the World / Technologiekultur zerstört die Welt / Cultura de tecnologia destrói o Mundo / La cultura tecnológica destruye el Mundo

What we collectively have spent on war since 1914 could have given every single man, women and child on Earth a comfortable income. A mantra within the sustainability movement tries to convince you that innovations in technology can save the World. But rather than liberating us technology has enslaved us and is destroying the very health of ...

Happiness comes from Within / Glück kommt von Innen / A felicidade vem de Dentro / La felicidad viene de Dentro

Happiness comes from within, declare a million advice blogs and books, Twitter messages and Facebook memes. The idea that happiness comes from within has taken a deep position in our collective psyche. Wellbeing is not anymore engaging with others but engaging with an inner journey, a self-focused personal quest. Most of the happiness trends, from self-help books to meditation, ...

The Genius of the Crowd / Das Genie der Menge / O Gênio da Multidão / El Genio de la Multitud

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You create your own reality with your own effort. Average people watch television, play on the internet or on their mobile phones, wondering why nothing is changing in their lives. It must be because of my age, race, beliefs, bad luck, or just anything else, they can blame it on. It rains on everyone but you ...

Anti social Media / Anti social Media / Anti mídia Social / Anti redes Sociales

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Social media is such a big part of who you are and how you interact with so many people. To not have social media as an intersection with your partner would mean you are separate from a considerable chunk of your partners life. Social conversation shape everything from culture to the media cycle to your most intimate relationships. And you now spend more time ...

All your friends are Fake / Alle deine Freunde sind Falsch / Todos os seus amigos são Falsos / Todos tus amigos son Falsos

Scrolling through your friend's list, you think you know the person you are connected to online, but would that person call you if something tragic happened. Would you be on the list of phone calls at all. Many people have hundreds of Facebook friends. But your Facebook friends do not care about you and do not even sympathise ...