Sad Reality / Traurige Realität / Triste Realidade / Triste Realidad

The modern World is steadily leading to an intellectual decline. You spend years of your life thinking about the present state of affairs in your life – introspecting.

In an era of emails, text messages, Facebook and Twitter, you choose to stay unaware of the plight the World is struggling with.

The more time you spend looking at a screen instead of looking at loved ones or your pets or nature the more reality you are missing.

When was it more important to tweet something funny or find the right filter for a picture than having fun and laughing with everyone around you?

You spend more time worrying about the memory on your phone than you do about making memories with friends.

Instead of talking in person or on the phone you are texting and tweeting. Instead of fixing the problem alone you get everyone else involved.

It is easier to type on a screen than dealing with emotions and problems in person.

It has gotten to the point where instead of words you use pictures.

You avoid the problem and disconnect yourself from each other that you ruin friendships just by clicking send.

Instead of laughing you look at something funny and type Lol.

Instead of writing down our feelings in a journal to yourself you are writing them on a public stage for everyone to watch and review.

You have become wrapped up in the number of likes and views you get and what others think about you that you forget how beautiful or talented you are.

A picture is worth a thousand words but a memory lasts forever.

Take more time to experience life as you should experience it because you never know when your chance is going to be over.

Learn something new, make a new friend, take more chances and live your dreams.

Do not worry about what everyone else is doing and live your own life.

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