Self Reflection / Selbst Reflexion / Auto Reflexão / Autor Reflexión

Self-reflection is the capacity of Humans to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about their fundamental nature, purpose and essence.

The earliest historical records demonstrate the great interest which humanity has had in itself.

Self-reflection is related to the philosophy of Consciousness, the topic of AwarnessConsciousness in general and the philosophy of mind.

In today’s busy World, it is easy to get caught up in the mundane activities of day to day life – constantly distracted by technology; TV, radio, e-mails, text messages, or other phone alerts throughout the day.

Very few people find the time for some Self-reflection. Everybody wants a piece of your precious time, and too often it is automatically given without a second thought.

All the distractions throughout your day; Facebook’s constant notifications, popups that demand your instant attention even when 95% of it is not urgent.

We have been trained to drop everything and check any updates. Without even realising, you have spent an entire day jumping from one task to the next.

Responding to other people’s requests on your time and energy, without ever pausing to reflect on what you have done that day, or even why you decided to do most of those things.

Known as introspection, Self-reflection is a skill to cultivate because it enables you to assess the patterns and activities of your daily lives in order to see how your actions and habits contribute to your overall well being, success, and happiness.

Self-reflection means looking at who you are, where you are at, and what you are doing – both right now, as well as what you have done in the past – then using this information to get closer to where you really want to be.

One big unicorn, strong and free,

thought he was happy as he could be.

Then three little kittens came around

and turned his whole life upside down.

They made him laugh, they made him cry

He never should have said goodbye.

And now he knows he can never part from those

three little kittens that changed his heart.


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